Reviews from

in the past

My least favourite game of all time. Like a giant spit to the face.
Waving around Chaos and Shadow as villains and then having them do nothing at all in the actual game was such a... "fuck you" move for no reason.
Also the character customizer isn't even that cool, that sucks ass too.

Wait, isn't it ironic that my most favourite and least favourite game is both from Sonic? Huh.

Absolute fever dream, like it doesn't even feel real. Did I actually play it? Was I imagining it?
Was it ALL in my head?

Sonic Forced me to beat this game :(

If there's one thing you can commend Sonic Forces for, it's for being the perfect encapsulation of why this franchise has been slowly going down the drain while doing absolutely nothing new or remarkable of its own. Just the pure definition of slop, the most bland or stupid person you know played this and had fun.

Sonic Forces is regression of what came years prior in almost every regard. Sonic Forces isn't a bad game as there is still some fun to be had with it, but you will likely not be returning to replay this game anytime soon.

Plot-wise, the worst fanfic I've ever read, gameplay-wise, the dullest Sonic I've ever played. Only the avatar idea is somehow okay.

Sonic Forces is an impressively bad landmark and accomplishment in the gaming sphere.

esse sim é o pior da franquia inteira

babys first sonic game i hope you like going straight and hearing tails be a whiny bitch

É um jogo injustiçado? não.
É tão ruim assim quanto falam? só um pouquinho.
Sonic Forces é um jogo que tem umas 3 gameplay diferentes sendo elas o Sonic Moderno, Clássico e a do Avatar, a gameplay do avatar que é o diferencial é chata porém é interessante a """""variedade""""" que ela pode proporcionar devido as coisas unicas que cada raça e arma pode oferecer, a platina disso é um saco, sério não sei quem achou que era uma boa ideia pegar uma quantidade absurda de anéis sendo que o jogo tem limite do tanto que pode pegar em uma fase. DLC do shadow é maneira, eu gosto.

Resumindo minha opinião sobre esse jogo: Eu só jogo pelo Sonic Moderno e a DLC do Shadow.

its not the worst thing ever made but then again i prefer a boring game over a frustrating one

Bad level design, terrible Classic physics, very fun Avatar levels and a lackluster story. Music depends on taste but I like them.

This game had so much potential and it all got wasted. Thanks Sonic Team. I had high expectations from this game and all of my dreams were crushed. Makes me sad to think this game could've been so much better, just like the Sonic 06 disaster.

I give it a 6/10. Worth a try. Just don't get your hopes up about the story.

não deixe os cabelos do saco de pé

Originally made me give up on Sonic til i gave it a shot back in 2021 and played every single part of it, achievements and all and I think it's just Mediocre, not too bad but not good either

Tenía ideas excelentes pero fueron muy mal ejecutadas, una historia de lo más mediocre y que comete los mismos errores de la de Colors, Jugabilidad torpe y poco pulida, diseño de niveles muy pobre, duración muy corta y una dificultad muy fácil, Uno de los Sonics más Decepcionantes.

Sonic é meu amigo, Sonic é meu herói, porém que jogo ruim daporra

Replayed Sonic Forces after years from my first gameplay of this game. Majority say this is the worst Sonic game of all time. That this is Sonic at his worst. Yeah I don't believe that. I think this game is just okay and decent. I love how the levels look in the game. I enjoyed having to create my own avatar. They did a great job with many different species. Though I do wish they would add in species of what animals the other Sonic characters are. Infinite looks so damn cool. The music is very great. I enjoyed what they did. Voice acting is decent enough. Story is... decent? Fist Bump is incredible.

Let's start off by addressing Sonic "dying." I mean I know he wasn't gonna actually die. But I don't get what's the point of showing them knocking out Sonic and making him seem like he's dead... Just to have two cutscenes later of "NAH WE'RE JUST FUCKING WITH YA! SONIC IS ALIVE!" They could've have the reveal shown later on and have the game get longer. The stages felt either too short, too easy, or honestly both. Most of the stages I basically say, "Wait that's it? They weren't this short when I was younger." Tails is basically useless here. I'm sorry but he was fine with taking on Chaos 4 but acted scared with Chaos freaking 0.... Nostalgia is used bad here. The concept of using villains from different Sonic games for this game is a great idea! But the execution is where it's a problem. The boss fights honestly are garbage. They felt way too easy and not all that interesting. No Chaos boss fight? No Fake Shadow Boss? Classic Sonic music for the stages is just... bad. Why is Knuckles even commander when he just got so many of the soldiers taken out? The customization for the Avatar didn't feel satisfying at all. Don't even get me started on Infinite... I like what they did design wise, but they wasted him completely and didn't do anything interesting with him. I mean... he became a villain just because Shadow called him weak... They could've at least done something with this instead of making him weak as hell.

Honestly, this game feels so damn rushed. The writing is badly written. Nostalgia baiting the fans isn't fun at all. I feel like they should've delayed this game more just to rework it better. It's just decent as of my opinion. I feel like this game gets too much hate. And I mean more hate than 06 and Boom Rise of Lyric. Not even the worst Sonic game, but my god is it not the best.

Honestly I don't really get the hate, gameplay wise it isn't that bad. Personally the thing I care about most in a game is easily gameplay, I did notice a few plot holes and such in the story, but if you can ignore that then it can just be a fun game.

This game is so mid it makes me hate it more than I should

good character customization but not as good as the other sonic games. I've replayed this at least 5 or 6 times

Alright, real review this time.

Sonic Forces is not great! It really is not! But it is also not the worst thing ever made either. I was wrong in my previous review, the game was only sold for 40 dollars at launch. I still think that's too much for this game, but it's a hell of a lot better.

I bought this game on my Series X for 20 dollars on sale, and honestly I think that is an extremely fair price for this. You can not go into this game expecting it to be a big budget entry in the series. This game is more of like, a Sonic Colors DLC. It plays extremely similarly to Colors, with the wisps returning and countless 2D sections, the game is even structured very similarly.

I used to think this game didn't have much content, but that is only half true. The game truly shines in the 100 percent run. There's a lot to sink your teeth into once you finish the game for the first time, and it makes up for the short run time. Again, its very similar to Colors in that regard of having a short run time but replayable levels.

I will say Sonic definitely does not control as well as other Boost games, his jump does not feel great. Classic Sonic is easily the worst of the 3 playstyles, genuinely horrendous, and the Avatar shines as the best part of the game, really fun gimmick to be able to customize your own character.

All in all I've learned to take this game for what it is. It isn't great, but I have my fun with it.

Very linear game i can finish with my foot, the friendship theme was pretty wholesome