Reviews from

in the past

In my opinion this game is underrated! I really enjoyed the gameplay and the fact that it was a sort of sequel of sonic mania according Classic Sonic. A nice adding was the customizable character, I love those kind of things in videogames

I don't know how they did it. It was actually impossible for them to fuck this game up, but they managed to do it anyway.

A soundtrack which has the potential to be incredibly top tier, and has a ton of really cool moments I absolutely love, but feels absolutely held back from being one of my favorite Sonic soundtracks by some pretty sloppy moments. The two biggest offenders to this for me is the instrumentation done for the Classic Sonic songs, and that lead synth they use in a ton of Modern Sonic songs. Classic's music is incredibly annoying to me, because melody wise, I honestly really enjoy it a ton. Songs like Ghost Town I feel have incredibly strong and cool sounding melodies, but because of how poor the instrumentation sounds for these songs, it just kinda kills this whole section of the soundtrack for me, which is a massive blow.

The synth for me is, odd. I can tolerate it for the most part, and in some songs I think it sounds totally fine, but there's a good handful of songs which use this synth that I just feel like would've sounded better either using a guitar, or some other sort of instrument and the synth kinda gets in the way of my enjoyment. It doesn't get as bad as the Classic Sonic songs get, but it still remains somewhat of an annoyance in the back of my head, as I imagine in my head what these songs would've sounded like if this synth was just a guitar. The biggest highlight to me for this soundtrack is the avatar though, these songs have such fucking pretty sounding instrumentation, and the vocal work done for their tracks I find to be incredibly amazing sounding. If the rest of this soundtrack was as good as these tracks, then this would absolutely be much higher, but because of these problems which I feel could've been ironed out if given more time to cook, and were better thought out, the game is sadly prevented from becoming one of my top favorite Sonic soundtracks sadly.

Das ist das Sonic equivalent von Melatonin
Halt ich bin noch nie so schnell bei nem spiel eingepennt wie dem hier

Talvez esse seja um jogo subestimado? Tem seus problemas mas é bem competente.

not unplayable but also not really worth playing

só n é meia estrela pq a ost em PARTES é foda

Extremely painful platinum, but I find some side missions a bit interesting

Há quem diga que eu não sou mais louco que todos vocês.

Sonic Forces is like the prime example of how perfect Sonic Generations is. Combining Classic and Modern playstyles ended up being really fun in that game, and it feels like they tried copy pasting it into this game and fucked up abysmally.

The Modern Sonic stages are fine enough, the Avatar stages are really...boring, the duo stages are haphazardly combined mechanics of both the modern stages and the avatar stages which make it not work well for either side too much, and the classic sonic stages would be fine if they didn't fuck with his physics and controls to the point of ruining the character.

There's plenty of stuff here and none of it works well enough. Level design, writing, Avatar designs, the level physics, boss fights, pretty much the only thing that really still holds up is the score, which is even still not nearly as good as other sonic games which is a shame. Even if you're getting this for free, that's way too much. It's not worth owning, let alone playing, let alone finishing.

Sonic gets tortured and walks out like nothing happened

I’ll say right away that I like games about Sonic, but the same rake in games of the post-3D era from Sonic Team infuriates me. The game doesn't work, starting with "Avatar" himself (our main character), which doesn't fit into the plot, ending with crooked game design. And yes, briefly about the plot, even Sonic Mania is several times better, although there is no text, a simple and unobtrusive narration with a picture, just a PICTURE. After playing this wonderful game, even an hour is enough, my eyes begin to hurt from the color scheme. But there are also advantages - they worked on the music, honestly, don’t fire the composer. I was very pleased with the joint levels with Avatar and Sonic, unfortunately there are only 3-4 of them in the entire game. Bruh, the game was created exclusively for fans of this series and to some extent I even liked it, but it’s a waste and such a waste, it’s a shame for the developers who cannot surpass their old projects. Yes, there weren’t so many characters and there wasn’t a ton of fan service, BUT AT LEAST YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRESS YOURSELF, you didn’t have to wait after each mission for a ton of text with open clothes that 90% of the players didn’t like.

Сразу скажу, мне нравятся игры про Соника, но меня бесят одни и те же грабли в играх пост-3д эры от Sonic Team. Игра не работает начиная с самого "Аватара"(нашего главного героя) который не вписывается в сюжет, заканчивая кривым геймдизайном. И да, кратко о сюжете, даже Sonic Mania в несколько раз лучше, хотя там нет текста, простое и неназойливое повествование картинкой, просто КАРТИНКОЙ. После игры в эту чудесную игру, даже часа хватает, начинают болеть глаза от цветовой гаммы. Но есть и плюсы - над музыкой старались, честно, не увольняйте композитора. Очень сильно порадовали совместные уровни с "Аватаром" и Соника, к сожалению их всего 3-4 за всю игру. Bruh, игра создана исключительно для фанатов данной серии и она в коей то мере мне даже понравилась, но это слив и такой проходняк, стыдно за разработчиков, которые не могут превзойти свои старые проекты. Да, там не было столько персонажей и в них не было тонны фансервиса, НО ТАМ ХОТЯ БЫ НЕ НУЖНО БЫЛО ОДЕВАТЬ СЕБЯ, не нужно было ждать после каждой миссии тонны текста с открытыми шмоточками которые 90% игрокам не всрались.

I'm not even gonna give this one a proper review honestly.

Do not buy this shit, even if it's on sale.
Honestly the worst game I've ever touched.

The only remotely good thing I say about this game is the custom avatar system is kinda neat.

This is the Sonic game of all time. A game with Eggman winning and character customization sounds like a shoo-in for a tremendous Sonic game, but it's just disappointingly mid. The level design is the most watered-down version of the boost formula I have ever seen. There is very little variety in alternate paths and stronger enemies because you can instantly use your overpowered weapons and boost to destroy them.

As for the story, you bring back fan enemies like Metal Sonic and Chaos, but they barely have any character interaction or impact on the plot. How come we hear Tails has gone mad after the news of Sonic's disappearance, yet he seems fine when Classic Sonic shows- oh fucking right, we're doing this shit again?!?!? Granted, we saw this hinted at with the Reality Stones in the true ending of Sonic Mania, but his gameplay ends up sucking here, too, because it's primarily long hallways or slow-moving levels.

And the music... it's okay. Other than all the classic sounds, the level music is OK if you like electronic sounds. Nothing like the older games, but it could be worse (see Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood).

I got this game for free with PS+, and I recommend you get this at little to no money or just fucking avoid it and play Sonic Frontiers instead.

Probably one of the worst games known to man

makes me want to kill myself this game sucks i hate it also the music is overrated as hell theres literally only one good song

the music carry this game in the back.

Sonic Forces - 7.2/10

tl;dr: Ah mano, tem um pouco de tudo aqui pra quem curte Sonic e foi dado na Plus. Joga aí que tem erro não.

Nesse meio tempo de correria, acabei conseguindo terminar Sonic Forces por ser um joguinho bem rápido se não for contar o tempo pra platina que ainda não fui atrás, ou seja, esse texto descorrerá apenas sobre o "jogo base" que acabou me surpreendendo um pouco.

Sonic Forces parece ser um prato cheio para fãs da franquia por conter diversos personagens que não faço ideia de quem são mas sei que já são veteranos da franquia. O que decepciona, talvez, seja a falta de alguma inovação? O jogo é basicamente o mesmo que conhecemos tanto nas fases 2D e 3D. Inclusive, a presença de fases 2D com mecânicas dos Sonics antigos me agradou muito aqui.

Eu não sou muito familiar com as histórias em geral de Sonic, mas a proposta geral desse jogo me agradou. Nada muito sério, nada muito surpreendente, na medida pra não transofrmar o jogo num misto sem sentido de fases aleatórias como pareciam ser antigamente. Os personagens são legais, parecem bem desenvolvidos dada a limitação do tempo geral da campanha. Antagonistas são clichês mas isso já era de se esperar.

Graficamente o jogo agrada e pronto. É um jogo do Sonic pow, se eu quiser realismo eu jogo Red Dead 2. Ambientação bonitinha, modelos bem feitos, enfim. É bom. Não posso falar muito do level design além de que gostei do que vi. Por ser um jogo rápido (em velocidade e não tempo), explorar as fases não me agrada muito, então não fiz muito isso. Só se eu for pegar a platina mesmo.

A trilha sonora é gostosinha demais. Chega a empolgar em algumas partes. Mas acho que isso é natural em um jogo onde empolgação teria que fazer parte do entretenimento, afinal, ser rápido costuma ser o objetivo.

É um jogo que acaba entregando sim a proposta que sugere e com certeza vai divertir muita gente que deixou ele por debaixo do radar. Inclusive, parece ótimo para crianças por ter uma mistura da ideia de jogos antigos de fases e mecânicas simples com um pouco do moderno. Só não sei como que meu eu criança se viraria contra um boss específico no meio do jogo... Enfim. Tirando o fato de não ter ptbr, recomendo a vocês e a seus filhos também!

So much potential but all of it was discarded. The story is terrible and the gameplay is automatic. Sonic controls like a fucking bus. The music is ok but that's it.

This is 2 hours of my life I will never get back. On the plus side, it was only 2 hours.

Actually horrible, both the classic sonic levels and the dlc shadow levels were the best part of the game.

la mayor decepción de mi vida

the music is the only reason its getting a point

good god what the hell happened here?! well let's start with the story

while the premise is really interesting, that being eggman actually won and took over the world, the game doesn't do anything to make it feel that way, the tone is all over the place and doesn't know whether to take it seriously or not. the dialogue and exchange between characters are just not great, infinite is such a nothing character despite having a cool af design and voice.

the gameplay is just so stiff and automatic for modern sonic and the avatar, what happened to the generations controls?? and classic sonic is just the worst he's ever been. i really dislike the gameplay for this game and it's level design is such a nothing burger too, short and automatic.

i do like the customization of the avatar, it has many selections to your liking. and the soundtrack can be pretty good too (besides classic sonic of course) but that's about all i can praise the game for

this game is easily the worst boost game and one of my least favorite sonic game to play, im somehow even more disappointed in it than sonic 06. buy on a huge sale if possible