Reviews from

in the past

For a phone game it's like a fine enough platformer, as the game that's meant to be Sonic 4 it's laughably awful. The physics are so messed up and the level design is just bleh, even the music is not great which is the one thing Sonic is always meant to get right.

It is so easy to trick game reviewers into giving you 8s and 9s when you're really a 3

Cool start to one of the worst decades to like Sonic

El sonic que todos deseamos que nunca hubiera existido...

Cashgrab from SEGA, which takes advantage of fans' nostalgia, while doing nothing interesting.

I used to play this so much purely just for the pinball

Me estoy refiriendo a la versión de PC. No es así de malo de como lo pintan la gente, pero igual me dan ganas de crear una maquina del tiempo para evitar que la persona que se le ocurra esta idea lo haga, pero es por un factor externo

ive never seen a game more proud of being so bad in my life

God where the fuck do i begin.
after dropping colors DS (the most 6/10 video game of all time) dimps drops this child that shoulda been thrown in a fucking dumpster.this game actually got so much worse on a replay its incredible.
theres literally nothing positive i can say about this game it is the most soulless annoying frustrating worthless nothing game i have ever played

lets start off with how it feels to move sonic as apparently they fucked this up aswell.
no matter how much speed you gain simply neutral sticking will make sonic stop moving. you can spam homing attack to build infinite speed cause fuck me this franchise really is for babies. there is no presence of momentum in this game you gain like no speed going downhill at fucking all. also the homing attack in 2d? really? you couldnt think of a single fucking original idea? who do you think you are the director of jason goes to hell?

next lets go onto the level design cause they also fucked this up aswell.
the level design basically consists of dash pads into homing attack chain 99% of the time. however because this is a sonic game they had to shove in zone gimmicks to make everything fresh. however the zone gimmicks in this stupid fucking game are terrible. whether its the pinball/cards in casino street the torch and wrecking ball in lost labrynth or the stupid fucking cogs and seesaws in mad gear. btw notice how all the level themes are just reused from the og 2d sonic games? yeah we will talk about reusage later also. this game has easily the worst zone gimmicks in the entire franchise, maybe sonic heroes comes close tho.

Next lets talk about the boss fights. now the boss fights in sonic games arent usually very good especially in 2d sonic but the bosses in this game in particular BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. they are just retreads of the 2d sonics bosses which arent very good but they suck more here because they last longer. the first zone boss is just the wrecking ball from sonic 1. the 2nd zone boss is just the casino night boss from sonic 2 the 3rd zone boss is just the labrynth zone boss from sonic 1 the 4th zone boss is the metropolis zone boss from sonic 2. the last boss is the death egg from sonic 2.
these bosses have more i frames preventing them from being booped but it just makes them drag on tbh especially in the death egg robos case which is a 24 hit slog that has an insta kill attack at the end which i somehow dodged first try.
as for the other zones its pretty bad also especially the mad gear boss. the casino street boss because of how the pinball works in this game you can easily kill it by just getting onto the top and just jumping on it repeatedly. the lost labrynth boss begins as a retread of sonic 1 before going onto this wierd thing where you have to get up to eggman and boop him before you get crushed. this boss will either take 3 seconds or 3 hours cause of the i frames in this game. the mad gear boss also blows cause of the autorunner chase sequence at the end. and it doesnt help the very last zone is just a boss rush leading into the slog that is the death egg which takes 24 hits to kill in this game for some reason.
in general all the bosses in this game fucking SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

now lets get into the visuals and music. gonna try to keep this short but basically both are soulless stinky. the animations look bad sonics model looks bad the backgrounds look akward. the music also isnt very good it sounds like genesis era leftovers.

finally we have the special stages. they are the sonic 1 special stages so they were obviously gonna suck but they are somehow even worse here as you control the entire stage and not sonic. with ring gates you gotta clear which make em feel extremely padded out but it doesnt matter i dont wanna do special stages in this shitty fucking worthless slop pile of a video game anyway

anyway yeah this game fucking sucks. i legit cant think of a single redeeming aspect this game has it fails at pretty much anything required to be a memorable video game.
gonna play episode 2 tommorow but ima take a break from garbage and play a good game. sonic cd sounds nice

Sonic 4 é um jogo engraçado por que ao mesmo tempo que eu acho ele ruim eu gosto dele, não sei explicar, pretendia platinar se não tivesse uma conquista absurda de passar a E.G.G sem tomar dano, parece até que foi um cara do retroachievements que fez, eu hein.

this genuinely might be one of the worst games i have ever laid my eyes upon . it genuinely drove me insane in a vc and it was the worst state i have ever been in. fuck this game

Though it might be one of the most insulting games in the series and I understand why it is so hated. The game is still ok at the end of the day. I wouldn't recommend the game, but it is by no means a terrible game.

This game fucking sucks why did i 100% it

i never played this game but i bet i would like it if i did

this game kinda sucks, if they just released this as a mobile game and didn't call it sonic 4 i think the fanbase would've been a lot more forgiving

Lazy, unimaginative, and filled with greed. These are the ingredients Sonic Team used to make the worst Sonic experience ever.

And there is no chemical X to save the day here. They succeeded and the game is just plain terrible. I was able to put up with the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog yet I literally quit this game 5 minutes in because of how bad it is. Sega put no effort into this game at all.

The controls feel awful and far worse than the original 1991 game. The running animation is super broken and the textures look like they were made to work on a Nokia 3210. It honestly felt like Sonic Team was trolling us by naming this Sonic 4 - there was absolutely nothing remotely close that feels like a classic Sonic experience here.

Even the music sucks ass in this game as I literally remember none of the tracks. Music was supposed to be a redeeming factor in a failed Sonic game and they completely butchered that part as well.

This game exists just for nostalgia cash. There is absolutely no reason to play it. In fact, you should hate this game for how effective it is at further tarnishing Sonic's already poor reputation.

aight i don't think i need to brag myself for long with this game in particular because i don't know what needs to be said more than just full of hatred and curse words towards this game,it's genuinely that awful.

the fact that SEGA has the audacity to call this Sonic The Hedgehog 4 as sort of follow up and reimagine of old classic sonic games baffles me because in no way this deserves that title with how shitty it plays,how awful it looks,how utterly lazy it is with it's zones,and lastly it's just so fucking boring like you can tell this wasn't made out of passion more so it was made out of fucking greed.