Reviews from

in the past

Mad Father remains my favourite remake of the modern era.
- Original game a small cult classic ✅
- Hindered by lack of resources and/or lack of experience ✅
- Remade by the same author years later ✅
- Enhances and magnifies original intent without reinventing the core game ✅
- Just all around very dope results that elevate the experience ✅

At the end of the day, it's still a short WOLF RPG Editor horror game, and it's nothing you haven't already seen in the horror realm of things nor in the RPG Maker adjacent spectrum. It's pretty standard indie oldschool horror. But damn, it looks fantastic, does its thing and it doesn't overstay its welcome. Short, sweet and to the point. Very recommended.

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maybe the mad father was the people we killed along the way

Seeing a little girl take and use a chainsaw with defiance is admittedly much more satisfying than I anticipated or would like to admit.

obviously this game isn't perfect, especially from a storytelling standpoint, but it's still very fun and full of quality scares. honestly one of the rpgmaker classics that i would recommend playing the remake over the original, because the QOL improvements, redesigned puzzles, and extra story modes make the game a more enjoyable experience. and though this is my second time playing the remake and the new sprites still haven't grown on me, i don't think they are as bad as other og fans will tell you.

my biggest gripe with this remake is that, despite the QOL improvements generally being a plus, the game feels significantly easier now- especially the final chase scene- which somewhat softens the intensity. but i don't think that detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game, especially if it is your first time playing. i also wish that the puzzles had been changed a bit in blood mode! i liked that there were updated scares, but the puzzles remaining the same make it a bit of a slog to go through certain areas.