Reviews from

in the past

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This really should have received DLC packs. Like maybe every few months we get a new map or two, and maybe like 30 different minigames. As it is, it's a perfectly fine mario party

Needed more boards / characters

not enough content and two of the five boards are basically unplayable but there are no lame gimmicks like we've had since like 2012

Board: Space Land
Turns: 15
Won against three real people.

Board: Horror Land
Turns: 15
I won against 3 CPU's.

A return to form in a sense. If only it wasn't just a revamp of old boards and games.

When the stars unite, we will be so back

My only real complaint about this one is that its really, really slow compared to the other Mario Parties. It also doesn't really have the soul? aura? personality? something about it just feels a little bland.

Could have done with some more characters and boards, but it’s a great return to form. I haven’t had this much fun with mario party in like a decade.

ALMOST perfect but it didn't receive dlc so minus points

Board: Woody Woods
Turns: 30
I won against CPU's.

A really good Mario Party game

Had a lot of fun reliving my glory days of destroying everyone in Mario Party 4 mini-games.

Board: Space Land
Turns: 20
I lost to all CPU's.

Still frustrated they never released more maps as DLC…

jogos para jogar com amigos

Super fun with friends, I play it on occasion.

I haven't played any Mario Party game before 9 excluding DS, so I treat these "remade" boards as new ones in my mind, as you do. Mechanically they vary; Peach's Birthday Cake is mind-numbingly easy and un-dynamic while the space and haunted house ones have some fun gimmicks that make games lots of fun. What drags the game down for me is just the lack of boards, there's only 5. If they had around 10 I'd definitely rate it higher.

Wild how much better this is than Super Mario Party which just makes that game feel like even more of a rip-off than it already was. However, the sad reality is that this is "good" because it's just member-berries of Mario Party of yore. Nintendo has literally run out of ideas of how to make fun minigames and boards so it's time to mine the well. And this isn't exactly Shakespeare so I don't mind going back to the hub menu of Mario Party 1 in HD. Yeah, it feels good. It's cool to have all the old games back, and even to play the Gamecube ones I never had played before.

It's interesting that this removes the few ideas from Super Mario Party that were actually good or innovative. I don't know if this is a different dev team, but it does have the energy of "fuck those guys and their ideas". Little things like no spin-wheel on the hidden block showing if you will get a star; no companions or unique blocks per character. Those things mixed it up and this game is pretty determined to go back to basics. At least stars cost 20 coins again and you can actually get super fucked over by landing on a random space, which is the spice of these games and Super Mario Party neutered it to the point of being boring as hell.

All good Mario parties put in 1