Reviews from

in the past

من التجارب الخالدة في ذاكرتي لعبة لعبتها و انا صغير و اعيدها أكثر من مرة و انا كبير الان اني انصدم انها لعبة قابلة للعب الى يومنا هذا ، عظمة

when i was a kid i tried to bribe my mom with a $5 bill to try to convince her to leave me alone and let me play this game because a year before i had nightmares and she wouldnt let me

Très fun a Speedrun. J'ai jamais fait le jeux autrement :3

terei pesadelos com o hunter

esse jogo seria perfeito se não fosse os diálogos, coisa que o remake melhorou muito

The main game that scared me as a kid but oddly games that scare us at an early age we want to go back to. This and Silent Hill 1 started my love for horror games. Love the quote-able bad voice acting and the setting that reminds me of my grandmas old tacky house. Tough when first time playing or when taking a break from it to come back to it. And good replayability like most RE games, with unlockables, Jill or Chris playthrough, and the sorta dynamic scene encounters with the NPCs at certain parts of the game depending on where you go. Good stuff yo :D

Sendo esse aqui o primeiro RE, era de se esperar que algumas coisinhas envelhecessem mal, como a iluminação dos cenários e os gráficos de "papelão", mas o charme de um jogo tão influente dos anos 90 está exatamente nesses aspectos.

Like many a millennial, I was traumatized by the dogs breaking through the glass as you walk down one of the first hallways. Probably my first exposure to an explicitly horror game, and I could not hang at 5 or 6 years old. Wasn't until years later that I got really into Silent Hill, and ended up going back to properly play the PS1 Resident Evils as well. They've obviously improved a lot from this first outing, but it's still very effectively spooky especially with the fixed camera angles and minimal music. Always played as Jill though, being a master of unlocking is too useful

Is it weird that I like this a little more than REmake? I think it’s mostly just the faster pacing that does it for me but I dunno.
Either way, yeah this game rules. For a series that’s still getting new entires today Resident Evil really hit the ground running here, just some good gaming.
“Chris?… stop it!…”

I'm in the mood for a Jill Sandwich

Esse jogo é muito bom, ele popularizou o gênero do Survivor Horror com maestria, foi o pontapé inicial de uma franquia gigantesca, trazendo uma historia muito boa, personagens icônicos, falas e momentos memoráveis, a dificuldade dele é um pouco alta, muito por conta da jogabilidade que é um pouco travada, os gráficos não envelheceram tão bem, mas, continua sendo um jogão.

This is a landmark game that many other games owe a lot to.

Ponadczasowa przygoda, do której wracam praktycznie co rok. Oszczędność wyrazu i legendarny plot-twist przemawia na jej korzyść.