Reviews from

in the past

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The second Uncharted significantly improved in many aspects over the first game, elevating the series to new heights. You can feel the leap in quality within the first hour of gameplay, it feels smoother, more polished, and overall, a more refined experience.

The game kicks off with the iconic falling train sequence, instantly grabbing your attention. This strong start sets the pace for the first hour, maintaining interest before picking up steam again mid-game. The narrative once again centers around the search for a mythical land, this time Shambala. The introduction of Chloe adds a fresh dynamic, but the reduced presence of Sully is felt. Elena shines once more as a key character, and while the antagonist Lazarevic is serviceable, he doesn’t quite steal the show. The story is compelling, with standout chapters like the dramatic train sequence and the thrilling Yeti encounter.
Traveling through stunning locations such as Borneo, Nepal, Tibet, and the Himalayas, the game offers breathtaking scenery and diverse environments. The gameplay enhancements are notable, particularly in the shooting mechanics, which feel more responsive and enjoyable.

However, the ending, once an ending that I used to love, now feels underwhelming. Shambala, a mythical and sacred place, ends up being destroyed in a rather cliché manner. Instead of exploring its rich history and hidden secrets, the narrative opts for a dramatic but somewhat predictable conclusion. This destruction feels like a missed opportunity to delve deeper into Shambala’s mysteries and beauty, leaving me with a sense of lost potential. The game builds up this wondrous location, only to tear it down in a way that feels rushed and conventional, which diminishes the impact of reaching such a mythical place.

Despite this, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves remains an exceptional game. It might have its flaws, and some might argue it’s a bit overrated (I agree), but it undeniably pushed the series forward. With its improved gameplay, engaging story, and good visuals, it’s a memorable adventure that stands the test of time. While it may not be perfect, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves solidified its place as a cornerstone of the action-adventure genre and remains a must-play.

Quando jogar o 4 atualizo isso, mas até então o melhor na minha opinião, evoluiu em tudo em relação ao primeiro, história, personagens, vilões, cenários, gameplay e até troféus.

In my opinion its a bit overrated, its still a huge improvement over the first game.

ilkinden çok daha iyi ve akılda kalıcı bir oyun.

The final boss of this game SUCKS

Wish I could have experienced this when it first came out. I was neither underwhelmed nor overwhelmed by this game. I was simply whelmed to a sufficient degree.

Great game. Story was good. Shooting was good. Sound design, platforming, enemy designs, artwork were all good. Visually its stunning just on ps3. Very solid experience throughout. 9/10

Still undeniably the best in the series, the definitive Uncharted experience, with the best story, characters and some of the most memorable locales.

My 2nd favorite uncharted game.

nathan drake is the definition of plot armour.

The saga's best.
Finishing it on max difficulty was painful but rewarding.

Best intro of any game ever

Everything I hated about uncharted 1 was practically fixed in uncharted 2. The enemy encounters were better spaced and the combat was more interesting with climbing and stealth being a big aspect. The story was really good and probably my second favorite if the 3 games I’ve played. Only a few level did I get mad at but they were mostly my fault and not the games. If uncharted 4 did not exist this would be the best uncharted but this is my favorite setting of the uncharteds.

The strongest story of the bunch with the best set pieces in the series (besides 4)

Spectacle, above everything else

I had no right to say that I was a fan of Naughty Dog’s work if I had only played the last of us games, so this summer I made up my mind that I was going to knockout the Uncharted games.

The first game just blew me away from a technical aspect. Just the set-pieces in the games and the way the game looks and feels was shocking for the time that it was released. However the game lost me hard. It really is the worst one of the trilogy, and obviously so. Without getting to into it, it really felt like a tech-demo for the second game, and that’s why I’m writing this. I put the game down and immediately picked up Uncharted 2, Honor Among Thieves.

Just off the bat, blown away. Without spoiling it, the game starts off on a 2 cart train with one cart hanging off the edge of a cliff. You as Nathen are climbing your way up as rocks and parts of the train are braking around you. Just unbelievable. The game then flashes back to where the story began and periodically flashes forward to that train wreckage to remind you what you’re looking forward to. I’ll be honest, the story is good, not great. It’s no The Last of Us, and that’s good. These first two game know what they want to do, and they do it so extremely well. You’re not here to have the most gripping betrayal heist story you’ve ever seen. You’re here to play as a struggling man in his prime gang fighting on a crumbling building as a helicopter is firing missiles at it. And that what I (and everyone) loves about these games. As a kid, were you ever rock climbing or climbing something and imagined that you were climbing a burning skyscraper to save the world? We’ll thug game lets you live that fantasy better then most other games I’ve played. I love the Arkham games, but scaling something as Batman (while feels great) just doesn’t scratch the itch that Nathen Drake climbing a signpost does. Movement in this game feels awesome. I was always excited to be climbing something and it never got old to me, and I think a big contributor for that is….

I’ve seen people dunk on the camera of the uncharted games, and I get the sentiment….in the first one. I LOVE the camera angles in the second game. Nate would be climbing on a cliff and the camera would pull out and show me the sheer drop and I love that crap. The Uncharted games were one of the first games that combined the cinematic elements of the cutscenes with the gameplay and I love it all, I eat it up. But this was a little bit of a Pandora’s box, well, maybe not a little bit. I’ll say it, half of these game should not be as cinematic as they are. It’s being repetitious and annoying. The cinematic aspect works in Naughty Dog games, and almost never works in any other game. But yea, the camera is incredible, and never got old, especially in the endgame and the train sequences.

It’s fun, maybe one too many shootouts…. Ok, 13 too many shootouts
That’s all I really have to say

All in all, what a wonderful game, just so short and tight and it’s doing everything right.

Very good game I think it could be shorter because after some time it became so boring, 22 chapters will be better than 26

bon jeux avec un bon rytme et une bonne histoire avec des perso attachant comme le sherpa des zone de plateforme bien penser petit bemol un peux trop de gun fight vers la fin mais sinon solide

Wonderful game. Peak cinematic action.

Truly One of the best games ever with a amazing story really sets the bar high

THIEVEEEEEES? riot game mentioned

Improves upon the first game in every way.

Better graphics, gameplay, story, characters, and music.

It raised the bar for action adventure shooters.

Interesting story structure helps to motivate you to keep playing.

Combat is now balanced better with story and puzzle moments.

There are so many memorable characters in this one and the voice acting is exceptional across the board.

So many great scenes and set pieces.

This is a great game.

Vastly improved from the first entry, it's very easy to see why this game is regarded highly in the Uncharted series.

From the first game, Uncharted 2 displays much better gameplay pacing, significantly improved and more frequent character dialog/interactions, a more involved story, and of course more high budget action-movie-like moments that the series is so well known for.

The game features gunplay that I still found engaging to this day, as well as puzzles that always seemed to be just the right difficulty. What really keeps my interest here is the characters. The banter/dialog from segment to segment really makes you want to see how the story will play out for all parties involves.

I did struggle a bit with some difficulty spikes towards the end of game (playing on normal), but this didn't detract much from the overall experience of the game. Other small gripes would be the hand-to-hand combat left much to be desired (normally just getting you killed by other enemies in gunfights). I also found the stealth mechanic really not being fleshed out enough to be viable (which, thankfully, is almost always optional).

As a whole I really enjoyed my playthrough of U2 and would recommend it to anyone trying to get into the series. The developments in story, characters, and dialog to me really show how this game is where Naughty Dog got its legs to prepare for its future iconic work of TLOU part 1.

High quality action adventure game.

You are looking for one the highest budget best looking games on the PS3? Look no further, this is your game. You want a replayable game with deep gameplay? Pass this throught.

While a highly polished game that improves absolutely everything from it's predecessor, it imitates a hollywood movie so much it has just about the same replayability as one. Everything about this game is well done: the platforming is fluid and intuitive, combat is very balanced and spectacular and puzzle sections are not too complicated to get stuck, but enough to make you feel as if you were smart. The pacing between the three styles of gameplay is done perfectly, so we are never bored or oversaturated. Problem is, once you finish this game, there is little reason to come back to it. It won't play any different, and there isn't much side content worth checking. Multiplayer used to expand this game's life, but I'm not sure if that mode is available anymore.

As much quality this game posses, is one of those games that loses traction for trying to imitate another medium way too much for what is worth.