Reviews from

in the past

2024 has been the year of discovering how much I enjoy metroidvanias. Among the likes of Pseudoregalia, Rabi-Ribi, and even Super Metroid itself, no game hooked me as much as Astalon: Tears of the Earth.

Don't have it in me to write a strong review, but this is the first game I've bothered 100%ing in a very long time. It clicked with me in a way that not many games do. Rock solid.

i really love dis game, it's really fun and da visuals and music is really great, but i think i progressed in a specific way dat i ended up soft-locking myself, i can't seem to find da items or abilities i need to progress despite backtracking to every room i can think of

other than dat, i kinda wish there were more shortcuts to get back to where you were after dying (dying is mandatory in dis game to get upgrades), cuz you always start at da tower's entrance and da elevator isn't enough of a shortcut most of da time