Reviews from

in the past

Holy molly! this game was sooo scary!

To prefice this review, I played before the character refreshes began. I loved the game, its mysterious world, addicting survival loop and colorful cast of weridos are so appealing. Looking forward to going back to try it again in its new state.

How my bro looks at me well we are both going mentally insane after hearing the howls of the night encroaching onto our small frivolous campfire in the dead of winter (We will indeed be Starving Together).

I enjoy not starving even more when I'm with my friends.

One of my favorite games of all time.

The game is brutally hard, but still feels fair and seeing how long you can last is really fun.

All the characters have their own gimmicks that shake up every play through and the design of the game is top notch!

And on top of that, the game is still updated to this day, and each one adds fun new features and items.

10/10 would recommend

(Also forgot to mention but playing with friends is really fun, but that’s kind of the deal with every multiplayer game)

Don't Starve Together is brutal but in the best possible way. You and your friends get dropped into this creepy wilderness and just gotta figure out how to survive. There's something crazy happening around every corner, the art style is awesome, and it's both stressful and hilarious trying to keep everyone alive. If you like games that test your teamwork and don't mind dying a whole bunch while learning the ropes, this one's a must-play.

The start of this games lifespan was truly magical, it was quite literally just don't starve with your friends, the modding community was fantastic, & the community in general was great. But every time I revisit this game it's just a shell of its former self, the new content is leagues behind the stuff single player has, & it's all just not worth doing as a casual player.

Cool survival with a friend but a little bit hard, you need to study if you want to survive to a new season.

Olha, eu só tô dando 3 estrelas pq tenho birrinha com a Klei por deixar o don't starve single player de lado (um dos meus jogos favoritos), é legal de aprender e paia se o seu ciclo de amigos n joga namoralzinha. Queria ter com quem jogar tbh

Esse jogo é peculiarmente viciante, a temática gótica e inspiração nas obras de Tim Burtton tornam ele cativante. Porém não é um jogo para qualquer pessoa, além de difícil ele é um tanto monótono depois de certo tempo.
A variedade de personagens torna ele mais chamativo, porém a grande maioria deles são ruins. De toda forma é uma experiência única e muito agradável para quem gosta do estilo. As atualizações frequentes da empresa são o maior charme do jogo, sempre tem uma coisa nova... Desde personagens até os bosses e suas colabs.

This game is one of my favorites, but I feel the recent updates have been hurting my enjoyment. The inclusion of more skill trees has bloated the game, adding abilities that range from downright useless to overpowered. Their rollout has been slow and sloppy, focusing on already balanced characters rather than updating underwhelming ones, like Warly or Walter.  I really just wish they'd go back to doing character refreshes, although this game still holds a special place in my charred, blackened heart

I'm sure there's a reason people like Don't Starve but personally it just made me want to play other games in its genre instead.

I chop wood I chop wood I chop wood I chop wood I am beaver I eat wood I eat wood I-


Has a special place in my heart so it's hard to get mad at. Even with the intent as a brutal zero guidance survival strategy game, I think its become so bloated with new mechanics and content it needs a serious rehaul with its approach. It feels like outside of veteran players who've had the chance to get used to difficulty changes and learn the game in lighter versions, it's now unnecessarily harsh to the point of demotivation to introduce new players without the help of a wiki or guide, let alone integrate exploring whatever new things gets added each update
It's incredibly fun for goofing with friends though

Doesn't fix most of Don't Starve's original design flaws, but definitely proves that everything is more fun with friends.

The original Tim Burton-y horror of singleplayer is defused a lot by having your buddies play with you, but I can tell the devs really tried to keep to their roots with the new content. I do have to say it's a lot less subtle.

O meu jogo definitivo de sobrevivência dentre todos os que existem

This is what happens to Nintendo devs when you emulate their games! Shame on all of you 😡😡😡

Não morra de fome, se jogar junto carregue o colega

this game is insane actually glad i finished it with my friend

The only game where I've legitimately been afraid of the dark

The more I play with a good friend the more I like this game, has such a good balance of chaotic and cozy atmosphere with all sorts of things to scramble across the map and do

Um dos jogos mais desafiadores que eu já joguei, me proporcionou uma experiência muito única, sempre que eu pensava estar absorto e enrender sobre o jogo ele me surpreendia e su morria e perdia todo meu mundo, ele sempre te surpreende com mais e parece que você nunca vai entende-lo por completo, jogar com os amigos é ainda mais divertido e cada personagem trazem uma jogabilidade diferente!

Vai te estressar bastante mas no fim você se sentirá satisfeito por aprender cada vez e aos poucos ir compreendendo o jogo.

8/10 Excelente.

95 horas jogando sozinho um jogo que deveria ser "together" (e ainda gastei 20 reais em skin)