Reviews from

in the past

Every hero having it's own turn radius, tons of usable items, shop sheep management... there's just too much going on for me to fully enjoy it

At some point you'll have to choose between Dota and your Life.

Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite Dota

Прекрасная игра, люблю мам своих тиммейтов

Bag of mixed emotions.

Lots of nostalgia
Euphoric once in a blue moon
Pretty good some of the times
Frustrating the rest of the time

It was a great experience in the beginning, but with time it becomes a chore, there are way better things to spend time on, just took me a bit too long to realize that. I still come back from time to time, way less frequently, because of friends, that makes it much more enjoyable for me.

На старых патчах игра была очень глубокая как тактически, так и стратегически. Последние несколько лет баланс слишком сместили в сторону Макро. Коммьюнити как и во всех компетитив играх - много токсичности, руинеров, людей не уважающих время тиммейтов и не прикладывающих достаточных усилий для победы в матче. Но иногда может и повезти - найдете людей, с которыми можно будет приятно провести много времени вместе.

ojalá tuviera una máquina en el tiempo para ir al día d onde decidí descargar dota 2 y pegarme un tiro en la cabeza

every once in a while i come crawling back

boring ass moba junk. all the characters are ugly AF, you just spend 90% of the time running between towers while people scream at you because u dont know the premo meta. id rather wipe my butt with sand paper

Coming from LOL, Dota 2 was different in all the wrong ways. Did not enjoy.