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La historia no me pudo importar menos, el gameplay fue la razón por la que lo terminé. Al ser un manco de mierda tarde un poco en agarrarle la onda y en cuanto lo hice me sentí una maquina de matar. La mezcla de habilidades está muy pulida y es frenética. Intente jugarlo en NG+ pero de verdad la historia no me termina de agradar.

O jogo segue aquele estilo dos novos Doom, é bem frenético e com diversas armas para se mesclar junto a porradaria. O sistema de upgrades tanto do personagem quanto das armas é bom, e faz voce sentir que esta evoluindo de fato no decorrer da campanha.

A variedade de inimigos também é boa, mas querendo ou não começa a ficar repetitivo na reta final. Isso me leva a outro ponto: esse game deveria ser mais curto. Talvez com umas 2 horas a menos ficasse mais equilibrado. Mas ao mesmo tempo está longe de ser a coisa mais enjoativa do mundo, principalmente se voce comprar essa gameplay.

Os gráficos são muito bons, mas variam conforme os cenarios. Em alguns não ficam tão legais, mas em outros é maravilhoso de se ver. Com aquela pegada bem Van Helsing, misturando a estética mais dark com morcegos pra todo lado!

A história é funcional, deu pra ver que eles tentaram fazer personagens bacanas aqui, e não digo que conseguiram exatamente, mas se aproximaram bastante kkkkkk. Não vai ser um enredo marcante ou que vai lhe fisgar, porém funciona o suficiente como pano de fundo pra jogatina.

Quem curtiu o Doom 2016 e Eternal vai matar um pouco a sede aqui por jogos nessa pegada, recomendo!

Joguinho bem estranho com temática faroeste diabólica.

Combate tem um feeling legal de potência mas repete demais.

honestly the definition of a fun game.

a brawler that gives you lots of variety to take down enemies. combat can be extremely satisfying. the setting is dope.

my only thing is the pacing of levels and its story. often times when we are introduced to a new enemy type, it comes across as a boss battle of sorts. later in the level, that enemy that you thought was a boss is just an enemy type that is present while 15 other enemies swarm.

it can be pretty overwhelming at times and feels like enemies don’t really give you a chance to breathe. however it’s still really fun

really forgettable story but that’s the point. it’s an arcade style brawler. however, it did make me less invested in the game overall.

really good stuff

This is one of those video game, video games for sure. Dumb fun. Very dumb. Reminds me of like a, God of War (2018) lite. Levels are very linear with "secrets" and exploration usually consisting of blowing up a wall or walking around a corner. Story exists, not bad, not great. Dialogue is pretty eh though lmao. Game is great to look at. Where it shines is the combat. That's very fun, with you constantly getting new abilities, gear, and upgrades to use. You'd think it'd get overwhelming or there'd be stuff you just don't use, but that wasn't the case for me. Game is pretty much a mediocre story that pushes you from combat encounter to combat encounter, but I enjoyed combat so much that it wasn't an issue in my case.

Gráficos: 8,5/10
Jogabilidade: 9/10
História: 7/10
Trilha Sonora: 5/10
Desempenho: 0/10

Comentários Gerais:
Desempenho pífio no PC, jogabilidade achei bem legal, mas com o tempo fica repetitiva por sempre usar a mesmas habilidades, história clichê e personagem sem carisma.

Deeply frustrating. For all of its marketing as a "I just want to play video games" kind of game, a real back-to-basics game, its non-combat areas have the boring corridor navigation of an eighth gen AAA and the griminess of the seventh gen more than anything. I had to sign EULA and a form consenting to data collection on startup, for fuck's sake. The progression systems are horribly paced, remaining boring throughout the entire runtime. You go three levels before unlocking half of your core moveset, four levels before bosses get a stagger gauge, and five before you get the devil trigger equivalent, despite the plot showing it off at the end of the third level. Levels are just too long for this sort of pacing, especially when perks are dripfed at a pace of about one per level. There are thirty-six perks in the game and I finished at level twenty (to say nothing of the... twelve? weapon upgrades purchased with a second currency obtained via exploration, of which i also only had about half), which is particularly frustrating when the upgrades I couldn't buy yet are shit like "15% more health" and "your unsatisfying aoe move gets followups." Despite this, it remains incredibly fun in its combat arenas, using a flow that resembles Doom Eternal and Dad Of War on the surface but in execution feels like a strange fusion of those presentation elements with the high-flying mook-mulching of Ninja Gaiden and the deranged spam of high-tier enemies present in the most entertaining Doom wads. Any game that knows how to use an izuna drop is worth experiencing.

extremely generic, poor story

dont understand why this one got low rating as its a good straightforward fun action/shooter game, yes the enemies are generic and repetitive but game still offers fun dialog/conversations development of interesting characters and interesting concept with many guns at your disposal, I recommend if you just want to lay back and enjoy this sweet short game with cutscenes and interesting background. ps:I think game supposedly be called HighMoon before because I got crashed like 2-3 times and It was saying "HighMoon-UE stoppped running" :)

Decent story to keep u interested, combat starts off light but the amount of unlockables makes combat Hella fun, the puzzles aren't at all puzzling but all in all worth my time I enjoyed it

Fui esperando um shooter e encontrei um jogo de ação baseado em combos corpo a corpo, armas de tiro e poderes elétricos. O gameplay é delicioso e só melhora com uma árvore de melhorias e habilidades muito recompensadora. O visual é ótimo. Recomendo! Nota 8.5.

Had a great time with this one. Combat was superb, played a bit like God of War 2018 cranked up to Doom Eternal levels of intensity and variety. You're teleporting around the arena doing launchers and air juggles with an electric gauntlet, whipping out flamethrowers and gattling guns, throwing sticks of dynamite, tons of fun stuff.

The levels were structured like an Xbox 360 game, following a mostly linear path through combat arenas and light puzzle solving with secrets tucked away in the map's corners.

Story was really disjointed, to the point that it got kinda distracting. I wasn't expecting much, but I did find myself asking questions like "wait, what are they talking about? who? how did they get there?" more often than I figured.

Towards the end of the game, they start throwing you in to these really cramped arenas that are just PACKED with enemies, to the point that the execution animations can't play properly for all the enemies crowding around you. Lots of repeated deaths, but I never got so frustrated that I needed to stop playing to cool off. I imagine this might change on higher difficulties, seeing as I played on Normal.

I have my nitpicks, but Evil West was a hoot and I'm glad I got the chance to play with Game Pass. For people who love intense action games, this is a must. If they ever make Evil West 2, I'll be there for it.

This has been the most conflicting game I’ve played so far this year. There’s so many things that I can appreciate about the game but there’s also a lot of things that just didn’t stick with me. I will say though, I like how focused this game is on its purpose. It knows it’s supposed to be a fun game first and I can feel that even though theres plenty of flaws. I saw this game on Game Pass and tried it on a whim, expecting to play something sort of like a mix of Evil Dead or Van Helsing. That’s what I got and it’s decently enjoyable, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t struggle to finish the game a few times.

For starters, I fucking love the entire aesthetic of it. It’s like I said earlier about feeling like a mix of Evil Dead and Van Helsing, and I’d even say it sort of reminds me of Darkwatch in some areas. I wasn't super immersed in the world, but it feels like they actually put passion into making it all interesting to traverse through. Not to mention, Jesse and Edgar’s designs look badass too. I can’t remember much from the soundtrack but I thought it fit most of what was going on decently enough. The visual presentation alone is strong enough to probably draw some people to this game and rightfully so. In fact, I don’t think they ever dropped the ball on the environments this whole time.

Okay, so when playing the game I thought it would be a lot more focused on the gun play, but surprisingly the melee combat is what they introduce first. It’s simple as shit but I appreciate that they made Jesse capable all around instead of making him a sitting duck without ammo. Speaking of which, there is no ammo. It’s a choice I welcome because with this combat I feel like it would be a slog trying to scavenge for ammo on top of managing the enemies. Now you could do a decent amount of mix-ups with your abilities to juggle and lay heavy damage on foes, but it’s honestly not as DMC-ish as I heard. I don’t feel like the juggling ever really advances past how it’s introduced. Also I gotta talk about the leveling system because my god it’s fucking atrocious. This alone makes the middle game feel so awkward to get through because you earn perks at this weirdly slow, yet not slow, pace that feels unnatural. This is where I put down the controller for multiple days just because it was like playing through mud. It should feel like you’re gradually getting stronger overall but instead it feels more like you’re still Jesse from the start but with a new trick. Granted, when you have most of your abilities towards the end game, the combat starts to feel natural again. It’s really satisfying holding crowds of enemies back while laying into a larger enemy then immediately shifting back towards other threats to take care of. Although this also brings about another issue where some of these enemies are spongey as hell, and it’s worse when they make you fight multiple of these large enemies at once because you’re just chipping all of their health bars away until they die. It’s better when they give you enough changes to get energy charges so you can mitigate this issue. The combat just feels like it’s taking both a step backwards and forwards, but I personally enjoy it more than I don’t.

Now for the part where I have issue finding what to say. To be honest, I didn’t have an interest on the story. It felt like they did try, but it all just comes out feeling flat with the dialogue, the characters, and the pacing. The pacing is something I noticed the most because it’s also sort of awkward to me. I know the game is very focused on being a game, but it just felt weird being dropped straight into every level after one or two scenes of exploring a mostly empty location. I wanted to like the characters more too but I feel like some of them don’t get enough time that they need, or the others are just characters that have mostly been done before but better. I would’ve loved to see Jesse and Edgar go back and forth more often since they’re long time friends but Edgar is one character that I don’t think is in the story as often as he should be. Felicity just feels like she has the same flat note of being the creepy little girl and I honestly couldn’t have been bothered to pay too much attention to her.

Evil West is a decently enjoyable time but my god it had some places where it should have grown a bit. I wanted to like it more than I did but I still liked it enough that I wouldn’t mind seeing Evil West come back in some way. If they ever did a sequel for this game that fixes the issues and polishes everything, then I’d gladly pick it up and play it. As it is now though, give it a cautious attempt through Game Pass or borrowing it if you can. It’s an interesting game that I think warrants a try, if at least so you can form your opinion on it and see if it’s something you’re interested in.

Mannnn... like mannnnn, I want to like this game dude. Something about pushing together the cowboy versus supernatural really makes me hyped as hell, but this game is so so so unpolished, so amateurish, and so placeholder. For what the story is on paper, they really fumble it. The combat is also super uninteresting and feels so weightless. Not to mention how generic and lame all the enemies are, the game at times genuinely feels like a very finely crafted asset flip like all of these mechanics belonged in some other kind of game and they pasted store bought unity assets over the top. Definitely not an awful game, but had enough downsides that after stepping away for a few days, I had no desire to get back into it.

Quite good , Really fun western / zombie mod :)

Jogabilidade e combate muito enjoativos pro meu gosto

это была бы 10 из 10 игрушка если бы был кооп

Goofy western fantasy action game with a heavy focus on combat.

Combat feels pretty good initially, kind of arcadey souls-superlite with a melee focus, counters and dodging. It's simple and repetitive but fun, the punching is fairly meaty. In each level you get one or more upgrades that give you a new gun or ability. The majority of these have a time based cooldown which I think I prefer over consumables. They are pretty cool but I think they somewhat devolve the combat, at first I was using them sparingly and tactically but later on I realised it's much more effective to just spam them all the time. I'm glad I figured this out because there are some very annoying enemies and the game makes you fight them many times in different groups. This ultimately was where I felt the game dropped off, the core combat is good but in the later sections of the game, the encounters often become more of a chore than a joyride. If they were more fun, I would consider giving this game a tepid recommendation.

The rest of the gameplay is very basic and on-rails. The game heavily roleplays as if it was made in the mid-2000s with automatic platforming, plentiful cutscenes and basic puzzles. By modern standards, some people might consider it extremely dumbed down. I don't mind these ideas conceptually but in practice they were underwhelming, if you are going to copy ancient game design, at least make it high quality or bring some new ideas.

Fortunately the game has some charm, the story is over the top and the characters are fun, the visuals are vibrant and varied and the game runs smoothly. I didn't too much mind the gameplay being generic or frustrating at times because the overall experience was enjoyable. I guess I would compare it to a dumb and cheesy action movie, it was comfortable enough that I didn't want to abandon it. As many problems as I had with the game, I still liked playing it on some level and wanted to see it through to the end.

Unfortunately there were some technical issues, sometimes enemies would get stuck or lose aggro somehow so I could farm them freely. Sometimes my attacks wouldn't work correctly. I also had an issue with hard stutters when new animations loaded, for example using a new ability or fighting a new enemy for the first time. This was particularly a problem when fighting bosses; since they have a lot of unique animations, there was a lot of stuttering which took a lot away from the grandeur of the fights. The final boss was the worst, at one point crashing my game and graphics driver. Thankfully, the checkpoints are very reasonable in this game so no real progress was lost, only the moment.

Uma boa opção para quem busca algo linear e direto ao ponto.

O combate é de fato a melhor parte, lembra muito os novos GoW. Tem uma boa variedade de armas e upgrades que deixam as coisas mais frenéticas. Não chegou a cansar nas 11 horas de jogo.

Gostei muito da ambientação no faroeste com vampiros, achei a maioria dos cenários bem estilosos, o que rendeu uma porrada de prints. Só é meio estranho que as vezes parece que tudo foi besuntado no óleo e fica um brilho feio, principal no personagem.

Cansei da história na metade do jogo, confesso que até parei de ler os diálogos. É bem sessão da tarde.

É um jogo que claramente não tem o maior orçamento do mundo mas sabe comprar as suas brigas.

Funny game, i really enjoy, some parts of the game have a lot of Stuttering. But in general i had a lot of fun.

a god damn blast to play, this is a 7\10 that is proud to be a 7\10 so much that it becomes a 8.

there is jank, it drags more than it should, cutscenes end without proper set up for the next scene, some bugs that costed me a life, but the game is so fun and quick decision action packed that those janky moments barely bothered the fun i was actually having.
you will be prioritizing targets, making use of one lesser enemy to damage another, making quick decisions to take the upper hand, the enemy selection is quite varied making you think on your feet with the tools you have.

in fact this might be the best Hellboy game ever made, in a time where we got a dinky roguelike hellboy game (seriously... a roguelike hellboy game..) those guys come up with a creature hunter with a big gauntlet and pletora of tools that his secret organization built for him, yep this is a better hellboy game than the one we got and i'm pleasantly surprised by it.

the story takes itself so serious yet is quite the Budget game, it goes at such a weird pace that it becomes quite endearing.

lately we need more fun B or AA games like gungrave and this one

Instant mindless fun, I love it

Çoooooooook sıkıcı lan. Başta güzel güzel akıyor. Sonra bir numarası kalmıyor oyunun ama devam ediyor. Aynı düşman, aynı terane. Hikayesi de hiç sarmadı.

esse jogo é tão conflitante que me dá dor de cabeça falar bem e/ou mal dele. é tão maneiro no combate quanto um jogo de Playstation 2, mas ainda assim tem uma história tão tenebrosa com uma ambientação bonita, porém sem grandes interações interessantes. o jogo é muito bom, mas possuí vários defeitos que não passam despercebidos e são gritantes. essa minha nota doeu pois amei jogar, e se tiver sequência eu com certeza vou estar lá.

Doesn't overstay it's welcome. It knows it's a ps2 game released for modern audiences and it's okay with that. Pretty fun.

Evil west é um jogo medíocre, o combate desse jogo seria bem melhor como hack n Slash sinceramente e suas Boss Fights não entregam nada grandioso que faz com que esse jogo seja uma decepção

Fun combat mechanics, the guns feel and handle well, and the game does a good job making players user all of the weapons and tools. Not much variety in the levels, they consists of walking down a hallway to an encounter, then going down another hallway to the next encounter. The story is ok, but is filled with overused tropes and cliches.

Evil West mixes wild west aesthetics with supernatural elements in an action-packed setting, but suffers from clunky mechanics and a predictable storyline, ultimately underdelivering on its promising concept.