Reviews from

in the past

Its a different flavour of Mario Party and its fun without a doubt. Like Mario Party, this game has you competing with others (couch-competitive or CPUs) across a plethora of mini-games. Some games take skill, some take luck, some take endurance etc. The characters dont affect the gameplay in anyway, but Dub was my guy.

Also, my god, the music was so hype and fitting for this games aesthetic.


A mixed, but mostly good and fun party game. Really dig the Cyberpunk/Y2K asthetic of the game. Definitely guaranteed to have fun playing with a group of 4, but the biggest thing holding the game back are the somewhat boring character designs and the minigame selection. Playing through the main tournament mode, it's a toss up whether you get a good variety of fun and clever minigames, or really bad and boring luck where you'll get 3-4 game in a row that consist of taking an orb to a designated scoring point, but maybe you'll be paired up with someone arbitrarily sometimes. It's always fascinating how easy a Mario Party type game would be, but for some reason it seems that no other developers have ever been able to crack what Nintendo and Hudson perfected. As it stands, Fuzion Frenzy is fun to pull out for a game night, but replayability will probably come down to what Minigames you play that night.