Reviews from

in the past

didn’t know what it was but had friends that did, so I played till I beat it haha! Super fun as a co-op.

I love this game and it's an incredibly fun arcade experience with a high learning curve. Lucky to have played this in arcade. You move with joystick which also acts as your aim while firing. This takes some time to really master and understand. The difficulty in this game is pretty high but really satisfying when you learn the ideal movements. I really enjoy the visual presentation of this game too. Character design is great and locales range from castles, trains, to fields. Boss fights are varied too even including airships and ninjas with super powers (I guess? IDK how to describe these). I'd recommend to choose Hotaru every time because the speed is crucial in later stages. I mentioned this earlier but difficulty increases massively later on and you will need her speed to stand a chance. If you are in an arcade and see this game, you need to play it.