Reviews from

in the past

Yeah, it's a bit too easy compared to both the original Half-Life and Opposing Force. But it still is a solid expansion of Half-Life.

This time is from the perspective of Barney, who does actually return in Half-Life 2. Pretty neat!

People say that this one is too easy and too short...And I mean...It is. But after having played the other two back to back....Easy and short is exactly what I needed...

I like it for what it is. It still is a pretty solid FPS that also re-tells the events of HL1 in a different and unique way.

La expansión mas floja del juego original. No propone nada nuevo en terminos de gameplay o enemigos, solamente experimentar el incidente de Black Mesa desde la perspectiva de un guardia de seguridad.

Eso solo puede ser mas que suficiente para muchas personas, en las que me incluyo. Si querés 2-4 horitas mas de Half-Life, es ideal.

its fine and not as bad as people say, the ending kinda felt a bit too easy tho

Definitivamente a expansão mais fraca de Half-Life, mas ainda é um capítulo divertido e interessante do primeiro jogo

I honestly don't know what to say. Not because it blew me away or it's really bad. But because it's just... fine?

If the phrase "this is one of the games of all time" were to be ever used unironically, then this might be applicable for it. It feels like a little mission pack for Half-Life 1, with some little annoying platforming segments to boot as well. The game's story is also very muted as well and the only times it's ever interesting is when it's inserting interesting beats or references to Half-Life 1.

But because of that I can't rate it badly and I can't rate it good either. So right in the middle of the 70s it is.

Score: 75

Игра абсолютно ничем не отличается от первой части в плане геймплея, так ещё и скучнее в 3 раза.

The weakest game in the franchise, not bad, but not worth much in terms of experience, only really being notable for slight world building however it is a very short expansion, so why not

Petite campagne de half life de 2h environ sans vraiment changer le gameplay.