Reviews from

in the past

I used to see this game popup in the gaming magazines all the time, and I always wanted to play it, but I didn't have an Xbox at the time. When I finally had one, I forgot about it. After so many years, to say I'm disappointed is a understatement. Kameo is not bad by any means, but it's not memorable. It feels generic. The story is basically irrelevant, there's no epic moment, at some point the game just ends. For instance, I can't even remember the soundtrack and I just beat it. Technically it feels two generations behind, like a remake of a Nintendo 64 game on Xbox 360. I'm not sure what was the consensus back then, but here, it's easy to understand why Microsoft stopped investing on Rare.

Definitely one of my favourite Rare games.

Playing this game was like a fever dream. it's not bad nor is it very good. It's just alright. Some creatures are fun to use like the ice monster and the punching plant, but the rock is useless. Also some of the boss fights were cool. I will say this game had some wonderful graphics, especially for the time all things considered.

Un juego que me pone muy nostálgico, volvería a re jugarlo algún día.

Por este juego quería tener la 360. Súper bonito, con muchísima personalidad y una historia muy buena que contar. Las transformaciones molaban demasiado. Nunca entenderé por qué Rare no sacó el segundo