Reviews from

in the past

Hahaha katana goes brrrr.

i rarely abandon games but with this one, i had to. great game, not for me.

Good game, lore was a little weird but the gameplay is top notch.

Sinceramente eu não tenho palavras para descrever o quão incrível é esse jogo, entretanto eu irei tentar. O game tem a proposta de ser muito divertido e satisfatório com um grau de dificuldade um pouco elevada, mas ainda assim ele consegue superar isso e acaba sendo uma das experiências mais magnificas que podemos ter jogando. Ele consegue ser em todos os aspectos técnicos, indo da música até a direção de arte.
Todos deveriam pelo menos dar uma chance a essa obra de arte

neon drunk samurai with dementia

It has a few frustrating moments, and the gameplay isnt complicated, but its very fun. The pixel art and animations look smooth and well. The impact of hits feels amazing. The story is mysterious and the sudden glitches are awesome. If you like good 2D games, this one is for you.

Mano, que jogo legal. Que jogo LEGAL…
A mecânica e core loop se encaixa com a história, ambientação e estilo do jogo…
Tudo é encaixadinbo e funciona muito bem, além da história intrigante e que chama atenção.

Verdade seja dita, a história em si se perde em momentos específicos e deixa algumas duvidas e sentimento de pontas soltas, mas é compensado pela gameplay habilidosa e bem polida

Ele diverte e é isso que importa.

Thia is videogame (mãos para o alto)


great music and gameplay i want the second as soon as possible so I can play more


Too damn short, gets TWO stars extra when the DLC comes out.

What an amazing game, I stopped playing after I got frustrated in the blonde guy level, but picked it up again and the gameplay is so addictive, the audio and graphics are also amazing. I’ll play it again soon! If you get frustrate don’t keep retrying, just give it some time.

Namoral, que jogo gostoso do caralho. Uma obra de arte em aspecto de imagem, trilha sonora e história.

jogatina insana e muito maneira, super divertido de jogar ele e é bem curtinho infelizmente. a história é maneirinha mas não é nada tão surpreendente

This game is absolutely oozing with its style and visuals. I personally loved the gameplay, since trying dozens of times to get the absolutely perfect run and then replaying it afterwards to see all your moves was amazing. The story caught me off guard as well. While it did feel a little convoluted, it clicked a decent amount by the end and the dialogue tree as well as the characters made me enjoy the story quite a lot more than what I was expecting.

It's 2D-sidescroller Hotline Miami. I think this didn't click for me because the enemies actions are almost impossible to predict without first seeing them (i.e. dying). I like to at least feel like there is a possibility of first-time success, however unlikely. Movement and combat were very fluid and overall the game is stylish, it just didn't work for me.

katana zero é um ótimo johuinho curto pra se jogar em um único dia, a história é ótima e o jogo é bem divertido.

Se volvió mi nuevo indie favorito al instante a la par de Celeste (diría incluso que superándolo), hablo en serio cuando digo que DEBERIAS jugar este juego.

No tengo palabras para describirlo, solo juégalo.

Didn't this game end on a cliffhanger or some shit? Where the fuck is the sequel? This came out 5 years ago!!!

Anyway, sword go swoosh!

um dia eu volto pra zerar, n me prendeu mt

Un juegazo muy solido y con una historia muy guapa la vd


Once the DLC comes out I'm changing it to 5 stars

man does this game feel so good to play. it took a while for all the mechanics to totally click for me, but once they did this thing started singing. but, i hate to say it, i don't think the narrative stuff works very well here. it started to feel pretty bloated after a while. it doesn't help that the gameplay feels so good, and all i wanted to do was jump straight to the next level.

some more thoughts: i keep thinking about this one after completion. mainly, i really like this game's approach to difficulty. the demanding speed and perfect planning really gels with the compact level design and generous checkpointing. it avoids the "long run back to the boss" staple that is always my biggest pet peeve in From Soft games. Elden Ring quickly became my favorite of theirs since it (mostly) lets you get straight back into the boss fight.