Reviews from

in the past

didn't really do much for me. i thought the platforming was generally pretty fun and the story was surprisingly emotional toward the end, but it didn't stick with me much otherwise.

This game was so incredible, the voice acting, the platforming itself, the INSANE difficulty curve, the story, and the music especially.

It's good that classics like this get some love...but not from me...

I never played this game as a kid, but I KNOW i'd hate it.
IDK if its just this remake of the game or if it is the OG... but oh my god are the controls bad. The ability to grab enemies is so hit or miss (sometimes I stand right next to them and it doesn't work). The bosses are also hit or miss, with them either being extremely easy, or being hard AF. Also the latter levels (vision 5-2, 6-1, and 6-2) all feel too long and irritating to restart.

The music was great, the graphics were great, the first 2/3rd of the game was really fun for me. But the game kinda fell short in the end.

me parece un retroceso en comparación a la versión de wii habiendo removido agregados de la versión original como los trajes alternativos debido a que el modelo se apega mas al diseño clásico, aparte de esto también quitaron el doblaje de voces castellano, ingles y japonés junto con gráficos de viñetas para remplazarlas con una caja de texto genérica y los audios en baja calidad extraídos directamente de la versión de ps1.
tendrás una mejor experiencia si lo emulas en dolphin o lo juegas en una wii porque este remaster resta envez de sumar.