Reviews from

in the past

The skill system, which gives each active skill its own mini-skill-tree with interesting little nodes, is cool. I enjoyed turning my meteor into a meteor shower, making my glacier attack into an MP battery, and so on. More importantly, this is the only Diablolike I've ever played where I've consistently used every skill on my skill bar—you're limited to five skills at a time, but you can actually use all of them.

For a game blatantly inspired by Chrono Trigger, it makes very poor use of time travel; rather than hop back and forth between eras, you do each in one go, spending 2-3 acts there before jumping to the next. This is kind of problematic because two of the three main eras' enemy pools are thematically monotonous: Imperial is all skeletons and Ruined is all eldritch abominations. Seriously, it felt like I was fighting skeletons for five hours.

Compared to its peers, particularly Path of Exile, it's visibly rough around the edges in every area. The story is bad, the voice acting is abominable, the monster designs are a bit uninspired, some enemy death animations consist of the model ragdolling awkwardly to the ground—the list goes on.

On the other hand, unlike Path of Exile, it doesn't continuously kick the player in the balls. The passive skill tree is much simpler; the bite-sized active skill trees are handed out piecemeal (you can select one skill to customize near the start, a second a bit later, and so on until you have five). Passive respecs are dirt cheap; active respecs are a bit painful to recover from early on, but essentially free by endgame. Endgame, by the way, isn't a massive difficulty spike that stomps you into the ground if you aren't following a build guide, which is another big plus!

I beat all nine acts and cleared all the timelines, but I haven't done any of the post-postgame stuff yet.

A very young ARPG with some huge potential.

Plusy: możliwość dużej konfiguracji swojego builda postaci, całkiem ok muzyka
Minusy: nudna, mnóstwo błędów, ledwo działający coop, dramatycznie słaby drop rate, mało inspirujące klasy, tylko dwie walki z bossami w kampani

As far as ARPGs go, this is one of the most acessible ones while also having a fair amount of complexity. I love the crafting system and the skill tree (each skill you use has it's own skill tree that completely changes them).

My main gripes with the game is that it doesn't have a engaging endgame nor it has cool bosses to make your grinding worth.

Gameplay is also quite repetitive like most ARPGS.