Reviews from

in the past

Ironically this is the thing that revitalised Indy and made him relevant again, also a really fun game

Anyone else get stuck in infinite death loops?

very good, old lego games have so much charm

sei a história de pelo menos dois indiana jones por causa desse jogo

i like it. haven’t gotten to finish the Xbox 360 version as my disc don’t work anymore

lo jugué cuando tenia como 7 años, EEPICO

um dos primeiros jogos q eu lembro de ter contato na minha vida

O jogo q me introduziu um dos melhores tipos de midia ja existente, onde ja fez grande parte da minha vida

jogaço da porra q sempre fara parte do meu coração

LEGO games were always meant to be played with a sibling that keeps yelling at you when you blow up or fall and die or do something else stupid.

Lembro q esse foi o primeiro jogo lego q eu tinha jogado, gosto dele e lembro dele com muito carinho


Nunca me lo llegué a pasar porque no era capaz de pasar de un pozo de serpientes. Me descubrió mi pasión por ver cómo las minifiguras se desmontan al morir

Um lego bem daora também, apesar de nunca ter visto o filme original
É um jogo que eu e minha irmã jogávamos muito e é bem nostálgico

You can shoot lego nazis with a bazooka

Such smooth gameplay, also has some very amazing level design and characters. I do feel like there is something missing though, no gold bricks and stuff makes the game feel lacking. It just feels too short.

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i love hitting freeplay and realising that Indiana Jones (the guy you play as in every level) is still the most op in the roster

peak, if you even care

GooeyScale: 65/100

Lots of childhood memories.


Disappointed they didn't show Lego figures getting their flesh melted off

i never watched indiana jones when do they play with the legos

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I don't like Indiana, bad state

LEGO really took opportunity of using Indiana Jones in a really brilliant way. It is the perfect series to be a mixture of combat and puzzles with a great story.

Might be the best Lego game.

eu tenho sérias dúvidas sobre qual é o goat dos legos, mas esse aqui é no mínimo top 2

If you never seen the movies then the cut scenes in this game will confuse you. I still own this one. ... Ok, I still own all my lego games.

It just doesn't get better than this. Despite lacking an open world or hundreds of characters the levels are designed perfectly and 100% completing was a complete joy from beginning to end