Reviews from

in the past

If you wanted more LOVE, this one surely delivers on having a 2 on the title

(Played, in this case, is that I beat Love and Kuso on Unlimited)

It's a shame I didn't click with this game, because this game quite literally has EVERYTHING that makes a good platformer. A little guy that controls super, SUPER well. Amazing music and visuals that are simple, yet pretty to look at. Level design that's (as the game would say) challenging but fair and is BUILT for speedrunning. It has everything.

I just didn't click with it. This game is one of those where your mileage WILL vary: Maybe you play it through once and drop it, or spend countless hours honing your movement until you can beat Kuso + LOVE flawlessly at an inhuman pace.

I'd say give it a shot: it's not the worst thing you can buy for 5 bucks. It's definitely not a waste, at the very least. Everything about the game makes up for what could be a very, very short experience.