Reviews from

in the past

Inovador para a época, e tem muito da essência dos outros jogos da era de ouro da Rockstar, mas a maneira de como foi feito os chekpoints me desanima de querer termina-lo, pois o jogo é difícil e lento pelo fato de ser stealth e o fato de você ter que muitas vezes refazer todo um trecho da fase depois de morrer é bem chato e entediante.

One of the most relentlessly nasty video games I ever played.

It took me years to play this game, but i never knew why exactly... I already knew that i would like to play this game for the violence and the lore. Is a very good game, is dark and morbid, only people who like this kind of thing would like to play this game today, because its release in 2003. It's a game that competes in violence and gameplay with Postal 2.

It feels bleak, unnerving, brutal, but very engrossing. Great game. Pretty much everything is top tier except the random difficulty spikes and the forced shooting sections.

The music and presentation are so awesome. I felt an unease playing it, but was beyond compelled to see it through.