Reviews from

in the past

(recién me doy cuenta que reseñé el primer ninja gaiden pero de arcade en vez del de NES XD)

Ciertamente es bastante primitivo y envejeció fatal, culpa más que nada de su salto poco maniobrable, el respawn infinito de enemigos, su historia simplona, sus jefes poco memorables (en otros apartados que no sean su dificultad), y algunas decisiones de diseño cuestionables como aquel infame salto de contra pared de la stage 5-2. Pero aún con esas logra defenderse con un combate competente, buena presentación, buena banda sonora y que cuando ya logras estudiar el diseño de juego y sus controles en base al ensayo y error, el juego se vuelve disfrutable hasta cierto punto.

Btw ahora quiero cazar unas aves y cocinarlas al vapor.

I tend to review games while being sensitive to what game design was in vogue at the time. Ninja Gaiden is absolutely brutal and holds no punches when it comes to punishing the player.

Ninja Gaiden itself is an adaptation of an arcade title, my general understanding is the arcade original is more beat ‘em up, while the FDS/NES version takes more cues from fast paced side scroller action of Super Mario Bros. and Castlevania - the latter even down to the general level structure and sub weapon systems. Also present is a new cross of Manga and Anime styled cutscenes to spell out a story between stages, the graphics are amazing for the NES and create a new dimension to a standard action platformer.

The downsides is almost definitely the difficulty, enemies spawn if you have not scrolled the screen far enough, and this seemingly occurs over second pitfall. You measure out your jump and take down an opponent just for it to constantly respawn over the pit you anticipate jumping, working backwards respawns the foes behind and the protagonist has a very short invincibility cycle, hence you die quickly from repeated hits or falling into a pit.

Most famously the final boss has three sections. Lose any and you will return to the beginning of the 6-1, expecting the player to replay 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 before making another attempt at the boss.

I also found at times the controls were less responsive to moving left and right immediately after a jump to strike a foe.

But, hey it’s the standard level of Nintendo Hard the diehards live by. I’d recommend anyone play The Messenger which is a fantastic homage with much more responsive controls.

A great action platformer that added a nice layer of cinematic storytelling to these types of games. In many ways this feels like an evolution of Casltevania's combat. I would say the only major knock on the game is some mediocre level design here and there, as well as the spike in difficulty towards the end of the game.

يا رجل شعرت بشعور اسطوري عندما خلصتها

Ninja Gaiden, yeesh. Remember when games didn't hold your hand? This one kicks you down, laughs, then kicks you again. Beautiful graphics for the time and killer soundtrack...but that difficulty? Makes me appreciate those extra lives they tossed in, because you'll need them!

Un reto interesante que require de cierta habilidad para superar segmentos con enemigos y plataformas, condimentado con un creativo sistema de combate y power ups.

El control del ninja es bastante bueno para su época. Hasta puedes valerte de su habilidad para trepar paredes como alternativa para crear tus propios atajos.

Por desgracia, es infumable en ciertas partes. A partir del stage 4, el juego se empieza a caer a pedazos, puesto que los niveles abusan demasiado del respawn infinito de enemigos vomitados por doquier, bichos mal posicionados o que de plano te salen fuera de cámara, saltos milimétricos, y esos malditos pájaros del demonio que siempren interfieren en saltos de vida o muerte.

Los jefes también en su mayoría tienen patrones estúpidamente simples.

Y cuando llegas al pedazo de mojón del stage 6, solo quieres que el juego acabe pronto xddd.

La penalización de regresarte al nivel 6-1 por perder en el jefe de 3 fases, es demasiado demandante para el jugador. No es un título tan injusto como todos dicen, pero si se siente que requiere algo más de ensayo y error que el plataformas promedio.

It would've been ten times more fun if the enemy spawners weren't on crack.

Had me laughing out loud with its cringe-factor in that ending, but don't let that fool you. This game is seriously polished with smooth gameplay and tough challenges. Sure, it gets crazy hard in Act 6, but beating it feels like a major achievement.