Reviews from

in the past

It's like dark souls if they made the enemies 3x harder and gave you weapons that are worse and less fun to use. atleast enemy designs are cool though

First Souls like. Pretty fuckin cool.

No me gustaban los enemigos, pero lo de las posturas mola muchísimo

I've completed the base game and now I need to finish the DLC. But I know I just have to practice playing this game again before I do that. I used to hate this game due to my fanboyism, but I learned a lot about action games, mastering them and how to approach different games, Personally to me, this is the ultimate feudal Japan action RPG with insane amount of depths in its combat. I know a lot of people are banging on on The level designs and its mission structure hates the game. I don't know, I like that it is paced and designed that way because the devs want you to focus more on its combat. I love it as much as Sekiro and Dark Souls, but I have a feeling that once I mastered the game, I will love it more than those two games.

I lost 90 freaking hours of my life to corrupted save data, I'm serious about committing seppuku this time