Reviews from

in the past

I wanted to start this review by given it a little context, Since February i've not been playing all that much, anny game i tried to start playing just, did not sit well with me, i just abandoned it and started playing older games, not opening myself to any other experiences, in the last 2 months i've just been playing Crusader Kings 3, and Overwatch 2.

Then i Tried Peggle (i will be talking about the act of playing Peggle as pegging thank you very much), i think nothing of it at first, i thought it would be just “haha funny doug doug game rigged”, and then i started playing, and it blew me, I didn't think pegging would be so good fore me or my “gamer’s block” but it did, pegging was just the right thing to bring me back to the joys of this hobby that i Love

Moral of the story, Try pegging, not exactly pegging but, jump headfirst into something, you might like it , you might hate it, or you might just find something that will help you in your life


I was gonna say a dirty joke with the name of the game but I'll just say game good and move on with my day.

Got recertified for the first time in a few years because it's the only way to remain Pegglepilled. God this game is still incredible. It pulls you in with the very height of gambling machine design but in service of a game of skill. If you don't believe me, watch a speedrun. Old PopCap were masters of their craft. RIP.

Since nobody on this website needs an in-depth review of why Peggle rules I'm gonna list the masters from worst to best. I'll also include Marina even though she's from Nights, fuck it.

CLAUDE - Flippers suck ass on the majority of boards. Even when they're good, the angles you can get on them are heavily restricted. You can't even guarantee buckets reliably with these things. Garbage.

BJORN - He's not a real character, he's a walking talking tutorial. You don't need to pick this guy.

SPLORK - Incredibly RNG dependent. On average, poor.

KAT TUT - Pyramid is widely overhated. It's the bare minimum of acceptability for what a power should do in my view: provide value in additional clears and/or points for free balls. It ain't great at those things, but it does do them, so it's here.

JIMMY - Multiball is very difficult to evaluate because every single variable the game puts forward affects him more than anyone else. I'm putting him in the middle because he's basically always one extreme or the other.

TULA - What if Splork but consistent. Held back by how accessible the greens are from the first turn and which oranges they can reach, but rarely bad.

WARREN - Pretty sure this is my most controversial Peggle take. Hat Ball is undeniably amazing but you'll go entire boards without ever seeing it thanks to Warren's Wheel of Waste. Little bastard always gives me triple score on a precision play or Super Guide. Fuck you Warren, I hate you.

MASTER HU - The yin to Bjorn's yang. You don't need Hu's ability to do crazy things, but those little nudges can generate a shitload of value. Who (Hu?) knows, you might even learn something.

CINDERBOTTOM - There are boards that make fireball less good, but they're rare and there are about as many that it completely breaks. It's also really easy to use well, just don't put yourself in an even worse spot by getting rid of all your angled shot potential.

MARINA - Electrobolt rules so hard it's unreal. Being able to pop any line of pegs on the board you want is borderline broken. Even when Nights' boards try to make it less effective they mostly fail, because drawing a line of action in a game specifically designed to not let you do that is very very strong.

RENFIELD - Spooky Ball is incredible. This thing can clear boards if used correctly and is all but guaranteed to generate significant value unless you don't take a green peg until the last minute, which you won't do because you're not stupid.

i hated the damn bots on this i swear they were on something