Reviews from

in the past

why can you not evolve your starters until you beat the 100 hour postgame

um dos melhores spin-offs de pokemon, tentar recrutar lendarios é a melhor parte!

When this came out it was a dream come true.
As a kid I always wanted to -be- a pokemon, they're way cooler than people, animals are cool, they are indeed.
Leaving that to the side, the game is one of the best if not the best mystery dungeon out there. Adds the bits of pokemon that make it outstand over the rest and truly makes a memorable experience, unlike most of the things at the time (and still today).

Im sure this was a lovely game, but i did not click with it.

i like this game but giving it a rating higher than this just feels wrong idk why. still good but it's just outclassed by later entries.