Reviews from

in the past


I loved seeing Square's take on Super Mario, and this game definitely left an impression on me.

Engaging combat, bright graphics, and just a touch of secret hunting makes for a nice light JRPG. As usual for Square/Nintendo, the music is great.

Squaresoft took control of this RPG with Mario characters with a hope of it doing better outside of Japan. However, it was never released in Europe due to the RPG genre being very niche.

The story does not take it seriously because the people have seen this before. Bowser is definilty a highlight, this is because he has lost his castle and he wants to keep up his image. Whenever Mario needs to describe something he puts up a show and changes characters which is very funny.

Each character has different abilities. Mario is an all rounder, Bowser being pure strength, Princess Toadstool is a healer. Newcomer Geno can boost a party members attack power and also has offensive magic abilities. Newcomer Mallow can also use healing abilities and offensive magic abilities.

The game uses the classic turn-based battle system. You have all the time in the world to make a turn. You can choose to attack the enemy, defend an upcoming attack, use a magic attack or use an item. If you use an item there is a chance you could obtain a freebie. At the right time if you hit the A button you could deal some extra damage. If you hit the A button at the right time you could take less damage from enemy attacks, if you hit the button at the exact right time, you won't take any damage.

This is a very easy RPG, so if you have played other RPGs then this one would be very basic and nothing interesting. Mario fans will find something fun about it.

simplesmente maravilhoso!
square é boa demais nos rpgs e com esse aqui não foi diferente, gráficos bons até hj (na minha opinião) e uma boa trilha sonora. apenas a movimentação do personagem que achei de certo modo estranha, principalmente em sessões de plataforma que eu não consigo ter noção de profundidade.
a história não é das mais incríveis e mirabolantes mas ainda sim é muito boa, e os personagens são bem carismáticos, sem contar em ver o bowser junto com a galerinha do bem. uma pena eu não conseguir jogar o remake

When I play the game, I get lost in a phase...

Un clasicazo súper sencillito y disfrutón, pero que funciona a las mil maravillas. El experimento que pretendieron Squaresoft y Nintendo salió a las mil maravillas y dio pie a futuras sagas como Paper Mario y Mario y Luigi. Tengo ganas de jugar el remake, pero de momento recuerdo la experiencia original muy satisfactoria.

Finally decided to finish this after starting and stopping 3 different times. This game is mad charming. Its surprisingly short and also very easy lol.

An incredible little JRPG thats got so much charm to it. The character writing that's there is brilliant (especially Mallow) and its just a clean 12ish hour experience. Bowser also kind of carries here Nintendo gotta let him show more personality

Super Mario RPG is a classic for a reason! It's a surprisingly charming and funny turn-based RPG set in the Mushroom Kingdom – so weird, but so good. The timed button presses for attacks add a layer of fun to combat, and exploring Mario's world from a different perspective is a blast. While the graphics might feel a bit dated now, the story, characters, and overall fun factor make up for it. If you never played this one back in the day, it's definitely worth trying!

super mari-o-o r-p-g it is the only one just for me

most underrated mario game its genuinely amazing