Reviews from

in the past

i loved playing through this game and getting through all the levels, forging my own paths by bouncing off of shit and trying to cheese stages, expertly getting better and better through the tight and precise controls, and enjoying the masterfully crafted levels the game had to offer. top tier game.

The most fucking Y2k frutiger aero shit ever and everyone seems to have forgotten it. But not me. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT

the perfect marble game

it simply cannot be beat it's perfection embodied

Just a whole-ass vibe. Even as a kid I could recognize just how absurdly charming and unique it was.

From the same people behind Daytona USA, Spikeout Final Edition and Monkey Ball 1, it's not a surprise this game is as good as it is. It borders on being a rage game at some points, but a lot of the level design is really inventive and fun. No idea how one would practice for a 1cc without playing the story mode first though.