Reviews from

in the past

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Kohaku's route was too good had me tearing up lowkey

A melhor maneira de descrever Tsukihime é ''Imperfeito, mas com grandes acertos'' infelizmente, Tsukihime acaba sofrendo pelas h-scenes que em sua maioria são pessimas, tecnicamente fraquissimo, com apenas 8 musicas o jogo inteiro, que são boas, mas mas muitas se repetem demais (o que não me incomodou mas acredito que vai incomodar pra quem ja leu umineko, subahibi e tal, é tipo sair de uma tv de ultima geração pra uma preto e branco) e o escritor Kinoko Nasu tem momentos que extrapola na hora de descrever as cenas, porém, a uma honestidade na escrita dele e uma beleza nas artes do Takashi Takeuchi que sinceramente, mesmo com essa Visual Novel tendo seus problemas, considero uma obra prima, em seus erros, Tsukihime é problematico e não é um ponto de entrada recomendado para quem quer se aventurar nas Visual Novels, em seus acertos, Tsukihime brilha, e brilha com intensidade com seu universo bem construido e fascinante, esse jogo mudou minha vida de várias maneiras, e eu sou grato por ler do começo ao fim.

(Eu faria um puta textão, mas esse textão vou deixar pra video, mas quis pelo menos fazer esse pequeno texto sobre oq penso sobre esse jogo)

I love schizoking shiki and the white woman

neco arc is from this game, has some cool writing and characters, dont play it unless you want to risk getting your ass fingered while your step sister watches, its truly for degenerates

arcueid brunestud hypercharged my autism.

Melhor História que eu li na vida

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The "How can we make the main character seem like a fucking freak while also being the most understandable character" visual novel

While although a fine Visual Novel, which I liked, I can't really say I loved it either ; Nasu's writing feels a bit too excessive at some points with the SA, some of it clearly here just for being fetishized, although some of it is effectively used for Shiki's writing, at some points it just feels blatantly like too much for me, in which I disliked. I much prefer it's remake, A Piece of Blue Glass Moon. I think the remake is actually really worth checking out, but this is just... Decent. I didn't love it that much, however... And I can't really recommend this.

Tsukihime Mudou Minha Vida!

Uma história sobre morte, uma história sobre aprender a aproveitar a vida, uma história que me ensinou sobre deixar as coisas acontecer! um dia tudo terá um fim e tenho que aceitar isso, tohno shiki vivia lado a lado com a morte e por isso ele busca ao máximo aproveitar sua vida a cada segundo..

Essa novel é quase perfeita! o único problema é que é ultrapassada e senti falta em CGs detalhando mais as cenas, além do uso de hot desnecessário que não dá pra pular.

Porém se não fosse por isso eu daria um nota 10 sem pensar duas vezes, concerteza irei dar 10 pro Remake! Só é muito ultrapassado e sinto falta de trilha sonora, e tem problemas de escrita(nasu ainda era inexperiente)

Coisas essas que foram todas consertadas no remake! Então estou ansioso, foi uma das histórias mais lindas que já consumi.

9,5/10 Obra Prima, nasu gênio...não tem como🔥

(Aliás, a rota da Hisui é indiscutivelmente a melhor🙌)

Review of Arcueid's route:

Pretty neat except that time I had to read about 3 different states of being a vampire for the 10th time

Realizing I did not turn on the porn censor thingy made part of this game like a RE4 QTE lol

This game got me into VNs, so I still love it for various reasons. That said, looking back, I think only really like the maids' routes (specially Kohaku's). I hate Akiha and the near side is mind numbingly boring.

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I LOVE Tsukihime

Tsukihime is a masterpiece in visual novel storytelling, captivating players with its dark and immersive narrative. Released in December 2000 by Type-Moon, this game takes players on a journey through the supernatural, following the protagonist Shiki Tohno as he grapples with his newfound ability to see "death lines" and the consequences of his actions.

The world of Tsukihime is richly detailed, with intricate lore and captivating characters that draw players in from the start. Each decision made by the player shapes the outcome of the story, leading to multiple branching paths and endings to explore. The game's atmospheric soundtrack sets the mood perfectly, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments throughout the narrative.

Tsukihime isn't afraid to delve into mature themes, including explicit content depicted in NSFW CGs. These scenes, while controversial, add depth to the story and character development, showcasing the game's willingness to push boundaries and challenge players' expectations.

Additionally, the inclusion of NSFW CGs are a form of revenge for spoilers, such as Shirou Emiya's death, this adds an intriguing layer to the game's mechanics. This mechanic allows players to engage with the story in a unique way, using explicit content as a means of retaliation for spoiling the game's narrative framework.

Overall, Tsukihime is a must-play visual novel for fans of the genre. Its gripping story, memorable characters, stunning artwork, and innovative gameplay mechanics make it a standout title that continues to captivate players even years after its initial release.

Score: 9.5/10

"For the time being, the curtains are lowered on the long story for Tohno Shiki---"