Reviews from

in the past

Hugely disappointing and not worth anyone's time.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Warface. If you have ever yearned for the feeling of having your wife divorce you and take all your money, or having each of your thumbs cut off in japanese yakuza fashion, then this may be the game for you. I never knew we as a species could get this bad at making video games, and I'm somehow not surprised it ended up being in this genre. After all, the free to play first person shooter model of video games is synonymous with teenagers in the poverty tax bracket unable to afford being shit on the crisp new Call of Duty title, so they settle with games made in 4 hours by the Chinese to raise their social credit in order to avoid a spanking from god-king Xi Jinping. These titles usually have war in the title(such as this one) with some other arbitrary word in the title for spice. In this game you play as military man, shooting other military men. Sound familiar? It should, maybe you should branch out to other genres sometime, I hear the JRPG fans will take anyone as long as they don't shower. Launch yourself into this staple of the FTP FPS genre as you are shot in the face with a pump shotgun from the other side of the map because the game's balancing system, again, is made up of Chinese tax evaders. Who am I kidding? If you are a depraved enough animal to have somehow stumbled upon this wet dog fart of a game, you know its shit. You don't need some, quirked up sex god to sit here telling you it's shit. Now stop being a pussy, go get a job, and suck at COD like the rest of us.