Reviews from

in the past

i think that centrism is the life for me after all!

The 3D models are kind of hard to get over. But it's still a Zero Escape game. Tons of effort all around.

On the other hand... The main character is named Sigma. We know the size of his cock, but not Seven's real name. Isn't that fucked?


Se me hizo algo repetitivo tanta ruta, pero joder vaya final, valió la pena

yeahhhhh cut off his hand yeahhhhhh

This game is absolutely insane.

This was one I really had to digest for a while after beating it. This is maybe the most exhausting game I have ever played and thought about. There is so much info, so much sci-fi nonsense, so many twists, that after playing I didn't think I liked it very much. Now that it has sat with me, I have an unbelievable amount of respect for this game, and all the crazy ideas it had, even if there are plenty of plot holes and weak justifications. This game makes 999 seem like a grounded, realistic story

história incrível, mas por que 3d?

The first game is one of my favorites and this really does not live up to it, but there's some cool concepts here... The ending just sucks

Maybe the best visual novel Ive ever played and also the first Ive ever replayed in it's entirety, fell in love with the characters and hopeless situation it presented, all the puzzles are sharply designed with excellent voice acting and script, keeps you engaged from start to finish. Loved the music and twists in the story as well

Virtues last reward is the improved sequel to 999. I think they really improved in every way here besides maybe some of the characters. I like the story a bit more and the twists are pretty good. I don't know if i'll play the third game but maybe some day. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #35

Ei niin hyvä kun 999 mut ihan palveleva jatko osa vaiks grafiikat kyl on aika kamalii mut ite ei haitannut

Is it as good as 999? No. In almost every area, no. But it's still a great time. Except for two things: Those character models never get easier on the eyes. And the dice.

La historia está muy guapa pero deja sin resolver la mayor pregunta sobre el juego: ¿por qué hicieron unos diseños tan guapos y posteriormente hicieron modelos 3D tan feos?

Yeah, this is the wildest fucking plot in any game I've ever played. It goes in every direction possible and somehow lands.

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justice for Kyle