Reviews from

in the past

I wish I had friends to pl,ay among us with

had fun with the squad playing this in covid days

Me on my deathbed in 2113 when someone says suspicious (it reminds me of that one funny game with the little astronauts)

Game kind of lost it's steam with it barely getting updated but it's gonna come back for sure

amogus. good with friends gets pretty boring after a while

I get to be insane and annoying and unfunny, not half bad

Pretty fun with friends, loses a little luster when everyone starts min/maxxing my social queues.

Overall, kinda sus.

It was fun until it got cringe and stale

It got old when people just figured out lying.

I mean... what is there to say? Gave me and my friends tons of great moments back on 2020 whenwe really needed it (and so did the whole world, which is probably why it blew up so much).
Howeveeeerr.. I do feel like the devs could've taken advantage of that 'boom', but most people had already abandoned it when big updates came out.

Muito bom... se vocΓͺ jogar com amigos.

Mileage is highly dependent on how smart people in your lobby are. Still a pretty fun time though.


I love to argue with my friends I love to have been suspiciously absent because I genuinely couldn't figure out how to open a safe for the whole round

Want to go insane quickly? go on a public lobby.
Want to get anger and trust issues? play with your friends on a private lobby.

Wow…. Never better story telling…