Reviews from

in the past

Me dio muchas risas en su tiempo, inventé la derydinha, en resume, entretenido

I played this game in 2018. Don't remember anything at all, but i played it in 2018.

I enjoy this game, it's fun to try and deceive your friends, get away with kills and lie on the spot.

But that's just kind of it. There's not really much to it all, it's really just a party game. A bit more fleshed out than a jackbox minigame, more memorable than a ragdoll beat em up, but that's kind of it.

You could argue that's all it ever should be, but the fact that there's barely any new content ever for it doesn't really make me come back top this often.

It's a good game, just not really something I'm queuing up in public lobbies for. Only for when I'm with friends and we are like, REALLY bored.

DumDumDumDummDumDumDumm DuDuDum BAUM BAUM DumDumDumDummDumDumDumm

increased paranoia levels by 600%. do not recommend if you relate to 'milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk'.

Was A Good Game But now Server Connection Errors made the game so bad for you to play it with your friend on a mobile

Not my cup of tea at all. I do enjoy social deduction games once in a while, but not when mixed with the kind of gameplay that exists in this game. Tried it a couple of times and then concluded I'd have more fun playing other party games.

Largely assimilated by the memes, 'Among Us' is still a fun way to kill some time. Your experience with the game will largely be determined by how well you can adapt to the standard gameplay loop, the mechanics of each map, and the haunting realization that most people you play with are dumber than dirt.

Among us foi o estouro que foi, mas depois ficou chato, comprei no videogame para jogar com minha amada, mas o jogo já não tinha mais a mesma graça. Foi bom no começo quando tava todo mundo aprendendo e jogando e levando a sério, depois virou só um parquinho para criança falar merda na internet.

Only play with friends. Otherwise its just who screams the loudest. There are better deception games to play but this could be fun at a party.

Pretty fun, though the new account system is annoying as shit.

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No hay mucho que decir, solo que están muy chistosos, marcaron un año y aun siguen muy vivos tanto que lograron salir en Vampire Survivors.

Guys is it just me or does the guy from the box art liok kinda like a n amogus?

Push the Button by Jackbox better.

this game might be a little funny as like a joke or something maybe idk though

esse jogo é resenha dms
minha maior vigarice foi criar discordia entre os dois últimos sobreviventes (roxo e marrom) dzd q eu não sabia em qm confiar, sendo q o impostor era eu hahahahaha

This was a fun one when my nephew introduced me to it. A lot of fun playing online with him, my niece, and random strangers. I also played it with people on some Discord servers a few times. Eventually lost interest, and I'm also not big on the microtransaction-filled update.

Fun and i have memories on this game i remeber back in 2020-2021 i was playing it with my friends but sadly it fell off and somtimes i may come back to it and play it once and never touch it again for a while

This game was pretty fun back in 2020 but these days it just doesn't hit the same. Don't get me wrong, the idea is cool but the execution is terrible, and the game has gotten pretty stale.

A fun game with friends, everything else not so much.