Reviews from

in the past

The voice acting is fantastic, the cartoon visuals fit with--to coin a phrase--the Schaferian vibe, but the plot and the humor just really didn't stick with me all that much, and as this was the swan song of the original SCUMM engine, the gameplay was also starting to feel dated. This is one of, if not the first game, to allow you to play another game inside of it which I think is pretty neat.

big fan of this one. so much great artwork and humor, puzzles that, while obtuse, are humorous in their absurd solutions and function off of cartoon logic, and so many iconic performances from the voice actors. i feel like DOTT gets overlooked quite often whenever i hear people discussing lucasarts' lineup of adventure games, which is a damn shame in my opinion. definitely give day of the tentacle a shot, it's absolutely worth your time