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in the past

(Not gonna rate it since it's a demo but here are my thoughts:)
This is definitely one of the most "hell yea" games I've played. From the first second fumes showcases such an incredible style that makes it hard to look away. The graphics, the car's physics, the music and the sound are just amazing and this game feels awesome.
However, the game really drops when you get accustomed to it. Mainly the gameplay is just very lacking. First off, what usually makes a car game interesting? Well, I'd say the tracks you ride on. Of course this isn't a racing game, but this open field just makes the driving a bit meaningless and it makes every encounter feel the same. I hope the devs consider adding some sections with more closed scenarios that make you have to think about your driving.
Other problem is how little control you sometimes have on your car and guns. The feeling of the bumpy car physics feel great the first hour or so, but at the end of the demo I was really kind of tired of the little control not only of your car, but also of your guns, which feel really unprecise. If the length of the demo made me feel kind of burned out of this I can't imagine in a full-length game.
I feel like the demo has left a really great foundation for car customization, I really love how many of the different cars make you think about positioning to be able to use your guns to their full potential, but I think that the game really needs weapons that actually make you think on what you are putting in your car. Most weapons felt kind of like "shooty shooty but a bit different", it would be cool to see weapons that make you really play in an unique way, like maybe: A gun that has such a high recoil that makes your car turn around, enabling you to use the guns in the other side, or maybe you can shoot it down to get launched high in the air and then use a weapon that has a huge AOE attack, or maybe have a melee weapon that makes more damage the more speed you have, and a Gatling gun that is so strong that if you shoot it to your back you will gain a bunch of speed to then be able to smash enemies with the melee. Just some ideas but stuff like that, that will make you think on the different combinations of weapons you are using instead of just equipping the weapon with the higher damage you have.
Other problem is how the enemies really just feel kind of the same and not dangerous at all. And I think this point really is kind of a consequence of the low control I mentioned early. Because the enemies can't be really dangerous if you don't have control to be able to out maneuver them. But tbh it got kinda ridiculous when I realized that just leaving your left hand and standing still while shooting your guns is a perfectly viable strategy, even worse, it is an extremely good strategy because the enemies just come to you and it's easier to shoot. They don't really have enough damage at all to beat you, and as I said I get why they are made like this, because if they were dangerous it would feel kind of unfair because of your little control.
So yeah that's my feedback, I know I was kind of heavy on criticism but it's because I really see a lot of potential in this project, I'm very excited to see how this develops and I hope that my feedback helps at least a little bit on making the game be more interesting. I liked the demo a lot, although I did find it way too long for the content on it, but I get that is normal because of the early stage of development the game is on. Good luck on the project!