Reviews from

in the past

Okay, where do I even start... This game is really weird.

Why is it so long?

No, really. The question is not even out of annoyance. I actually don't think I've played a linear, almost seamless game that long. Especially when you consider how all events happen during one single day, the game feels like it purposefully drags time. Howlongtobeat says it takes 22 hours to complete it, it took me 18 hours, but I was just skipping a lot at some points, so the truth must be somewhere in between. There are some walkthroughs on YouTube that are 5-6 hours long, but that's just bullshit.

Why is it so long?

Lots of things that made you enjoy the game in the beginning become more and more annoying as time goes on. Source is great for such environments, yet the more time you spend underground, the more painful it is to look at. The game regains some of its momentum in the latter chapters, but again, you spend a lot of time in the dark. This is actually part of a bigger issue I have with the game...

I kinda hate the protagonist. His obsession with undeground sewers, tunnels and wasting time becomes more and more obvious the further you play, because why the fuck is he even doing half the stuff he's doing? Why is he so reluctant to just go back to the office? I generally don't like when games put you in situations where there's obviously an easy way out, but it's not achievable due to gameplay or story limitations. That's just bad design. You could've avoided doing that as a developer, but you still did. There were at least 3 or 4 times where the protagonist was LITERALLY outside and could just get the taxi or walk to the office instead of wasting everyone's time, but noooo. He has to climb back to the sewers while the city is falling apart (partly because of him, btw). It's actually crazy. Why are you doing all this??? Just go to the fucking office! You can literally climb over the fence or break the glass door. Instead, you just have to go back underground and waste time doing god knows what. "I don't get paid enough for this shit!!" my brother in Christ, YOU can't get your ass back in the office and prefer to crawl through the sewers. You're in a prison of your own making. And probably smell like shit. The epitome of that is the moment in Chapter 9 when Mark's colleagues just took a helicopter while he was crawling through some trashed and abandoned buildings (once again) and reached the power plant faster (and cleaner). Though the point can be made that he's just THAT bad at his job, always doing anything but what's really necessary. Or that his colleagues really do hate him that much.

And what's with the voice? Sorry, I know it's really subjective, but the guy's voice is fucking obnoxious. Almost uncanny. Even at the start of the game, it feels like everyone talks normally, but he sounds like he just learned to talk yesterday. Or like he's a robot. He is overacting, his emotions sound so fake, and for god's sake, why do you have to make all these comments and "witty" remarks about everything with your annoying voice shuuut the fuuuck uuuup!!!

Why is it so long?

There are obviously thematic reasons for such a slow pace. I guess. It touches on lots of stuff like corruption, the government's and executives' lack of accountability, the divide between white and blue collars, ecology and the importance of proper maintenance. There are moments when you enter a really long hallway, and it becomes obvious that the slowness and tedium are there on purpose. In fact, I kinda like that, it works. But the game is inconsistent in the ways it presents its themes through the gameplay and sometimes the movements and puzzles are just boring, repetitive, or easier solved by trial and error. And there are so many moments that are just dumb. Are you really telling me that the guy who spends hours easily jumping across abandoned facilities cannot climb over the fence or roadblock, swim, survive a 2-meter jump, or just break something? You don't have to be Gordon Freeman to be able to do that. This feels weird considering the number of times he straight-up breaks in and trespasses on someone's property, but I digress.

Why is it so long?

At some point I started thinking, "Is this some kind of office clerk's idea of an adventure?" And kinda yeah, that's exactly what it is. Dungeon crawling, solving puzzles, exploring creepy places, but in real life and as a part of a job. Yet there's still something really strange and frustrating about this game that I can't really put my finger on. It's definitely unique, it doesn't feel like other walking simulators or puzzle games. I wish there was no score to this review because I don't actually hate it. There definitely was a vision and I respect that. It just left me really frustrated. Make of that what you will.

One of my favorite games. peak. Incredible vibes if you like urban exploration, walking sims, or documenting and fixing neglected infrastructure. The game doesn't track completion of its puzzles so if you find missing things frustrating you're probably gonna want to have a guide open.