Reviews from

in the past

US Saturn Release #012 - Minnesota Fats: Pool Legend

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

There's really not much I can say about this game. It's a pool sim, and a functionally sound one at that. It is by no means graphically or sonically impressive, but I don't know why you'd be looking for something that "proves the Saturn's strength" in a pool simulation.

There's lots of little modes you can try out that are pretty entertaining. I'm not used to playing pool games so I started off just whackin' the ball around in training mode, getting more acclimated to how it all works. Then I jumped into the story mode for a bit until I got stuck on Diamond. I had a tough time with him but it was always pretty fun. It helps that the cutscenes are so bad they're laughably good.

So, throughout my admittedly short trial run, I had a good time. It wasn't anything stellar or mind-blowing, but it clearly wasn't meant to be. It's unimpressive for the Saturn, practically being a genesis game (and this was also dropped on the genesis), but that's not gonna be a deal breaker if the core gameplay has something fun in it. If you run into the opportunity to pick this game up at a low price, I'd go for it. It's sure to give you a good half hour to an hour of good fun, a great Saturn time-killer.
