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this game is like if parappa 1 was good

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This sequel was wayyy better than the first game and had a much wacky noodle plot. I wish there was more content in the game that lasted more than two hours, but the songs were really great and catchy to play, and the crazy characters made this experience very memorable! I love the practice tutorials that happen each song, it seriously helps with preparing you on what's going to happen with the actual stage. The timing of the notes still bothered me like in the first game but it wasn't terrible. They added a few more things in the game like ranks and vs player/computer, which I found really cool.

Toasty Buns, 6/10
This was a really good start to the game, Parappa wanted some burgers due to having to eat noodles just to see the burgers are noodles too. The son's dad suddenly comes back from the dead and then challenges Parappa to a rap battle?! It was very random but that's part of the charm to the game. The song was alright and easy but kind of forgettable.

Romantic Love, 7.1/10
This was more fun than the first song, Parappa and his friend are dancing to a show displayed on TV where Sensei talks and dances about romance and... being a taxpayer? He really is the lover of the law wanting to take someone to heaven wearing their best dress.. This was also very easy but of course, we're only at the beginning of the game. The things happening at the background were very silly and nice to watch! Parappa and PJ dancing together and kissing (Damn doing more things together than what Parappa does with Sunny Funny the entire series) was very funny.

BIG, 11/10
Oh boy, this song really hooked me up, I already know this will be stuck to my head for a while! Now that everyone's the size of ants after being hit by Papa Parappa's shrink ray, a mysterious ant appears right before them like a god and teaches Parappa how to be big again... but after becoming as huge as the earth, he has a mental breakdown and then gaslights Parappa into thinking he wasn't scared. This song is amazing, I love the part where they're in space, it sounds very unique! I also love the beef Guru Ant has with Ma-San for constantly shrinking and making them big.

Sista Moosesha, 9/10
Right off the bat this song is instantly catchy!! Parappa and his friend PJ are enlisted in the army to be trained by Moosesha that is actually the sister of Instructor Mooselini in the first game?! This was a lot harder to play and I kept clicking on random buttons to keep up with the pace but I still managed to beat it first try. She really is a tough teacher to Parappa but a lovable character!

Hair Scare, 8.6/10
This... was absolute hell.. It took me a few tries at the middle of the song but I still liked this stage. Right after PJ destroys the gym equipment, they have to save their friends that got kidnapped in the barber shop. There were so many different notes you had to remember and the timing was fast that my brain just shut off at different parts of the stage LOL. At least the barber turns back to normal, he really was a hellish character...

Food Court, 9/10
I wish I could eat noodles for the rest of my life! Papa Parappa now found the source for this noodleization and Parappa encourages himself that he could play the virtual reality helmet even if his friends can't help him. This scene really shows Parappa's character development and how much he cares for his teachers that taught him along the way. This stage is way different from the other ones, probably the most unique one out of the entire series. You get to fight all the teachers in a 8-bit game and they sing their own songs in a slightly different element. This was also tough to play but if you remember some of the notes in the previous stages, you could play this with ease.

Noodles Can't Be Beat, 7.1/10
This was a bit fun and easy to play, right after all the chaos and stopping the noodle invasion, they were hit by an army of noodle lovers taking over the city just to find out it was a bunch of dummies being controlled by none other than the son of the burger restaurant?! He then drops some lore that the reason for all of this is because he was sick of eating burgers his entire life and thought noodles were superior than everything, at least Parappa changed his mind and showed him other yummy foods. This stage is also iconic from that one video from 11 years ago made by drunk dudes.

Always Love!, 8/10
The world is now saved, yippe! The gang is now having a picnic and Sunny song starts playing and oh my god, it is such a banger. Apparently Sunny Funny saw this whole chaos unravel with the gang figuring out how to stop the noodle invasion. Yes, that includes Parappa and Guru Ant growing and shrinking next door. This made me feel bad for Sunny a bit since she wasn't able to join them and was upset by it but then Parappa and everyone got the chance to perform in the end, does this sound familiar with the previous game? Well, they do get to sing the same song, "I gotta believe!" but with different lyrics and more fun to it.

This ending felt very refreshing and I wish that they made a 3rd game to the franchise, but Sony does hate fun so we probably won't get it anytime soon.

Why did they replace Katy Kat's voice actor?? Her voice was perfect before!! But the game finally lets you know your timing for each input, so I know whatever I do wrong. But sometimes when the input turns gray, I still get points. This game was so easy compared to the previous two. Or maybe Gitaroo Man was more difficult?
It's so nice to see all the characters move so smoothly, and the jokes are even funnier. But I'm unsure if this game has the best songs in the series. Although it's Parappa's game, I wanted Lammy to be involved more...

hes raping but better in this game

This is genuinely the best rhythm game to ever exist, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. This game is just OOZING with charm, from its songs to its art style. It may not be as difficult or in-depth as other rhythm games, but god damn it, its songs are so catchy and funky I couldn't care less.

my buns are very toasty ;)

Hey pretty good stuff actually! They actually made the timings fit for an LCD so I found it much more playable than the first game. The songs aren't as memorable as the studio's PS1 games but I quite like the Big song tbh.

It's too bad this game was a flop and this type of game fell out of style, but when it cost $90 adjusted for inflation I really can't blame people for the lukewarm response. Parappa 1 was considered innovative, but Parappa 2 competed with quite a lot of juggernauts like DDR so the hour long runtime didn't really impress audiences. Which is a shame, since I think it still holds its own rather well next to the titans.

Also the game has Lammy in it, so automatically a 10/10 game in spirit. I was surprised just how much she was featured since I remembered her only having a 5 second cameo in the anime!

Anyway who all eating the Parappa 2 pizza with me?

this game rules, octo barber is the GOAT of all time. shoutouts to chinese

Notice how videogames have been on an eternal decline since this released.
Oozing with personality from the second you boot this goofy ass game up, this is all about just giving you a good time with some surprisingly catchy tunes. Is it insanely short? Absolutely, but that doesn't really matter since this is more like an episode from a saturday morning cartoon turned into a retail game back when Sony actually respected their japanese studios. No wonder this unfortunately short series has gained a cult following.

I find this much easier than the first game.

A littttle lackluster in comparison to the first

A review of this game was eaten by a rapper dog who must believe himself. Believe me.

Рецензия на данную игру съел пёс рэпер который должен поверить себя. Поверьте мне.

not sure why but did not like this nearly as much

still need parappa 3 in my life tho

GooeyScale: 60/100

good game! moosesha and the noodle kid is cute


Mil vezes melhor que o 1, esse realmente dá pra sentir que ao apertar os botões você está em um jogo de ritmo


There are some good songs here. A lot of duds though. Especially compared to the original game. Lacks the charm as well. The story is also weaker. It’s completely bonkers, in a bad way. It sounds like a dream story. Nonsensical is not inherently interesting, as anyone who has been held hostage by a vapid dream retelling can attest to.

The gameplay is still sort of irritating as it was before. Audio/video sync is still a problem. Button input delay as well. I like the world map and the transitional record scratches when moving between levels. Pretty cool that it all transitions smoothly between map songs.

The best songs are the bug guru level, sunny’s song, and De La Soul’s Say “I gotta believe!”.

Joguinho de ritmo divertido e carismático.

Like the first one, this game shares the spot of being my favorite game of all time.
Everything got wackier, the music got even better than it already was, and who could forget the famous "CHINESE" video. It's awesome bro.