Reviews from

in the past

A really great cyberpunk concept and compelling theme, but a shame the gameplay is flawed. Annoying camera too. Soundtrack and art were great though.

I'm one of the three people that actually beat this game.

It looks fantastic and the story is certainly intriguing, but the gameplay really isn't there I'm afraid.

Remember Me? I hardly knew her

But being serious, I remember it looking great and sounding pretty good with a great soundtrack but the story was predictable and gameplay was boring and repetitive

Still interesting that this was don't nod's first game. I am no fan of combo-based combat systems, but the cyberpunky world interested me enough to finish this. The story felt rushed at the end if I remember correctly.

OK I understand that this game got middling reviews and yes it isnt perfect but this is the kind of game I used to play growing up. These single player action adventure with an importance on narrative type games. This took me back to my years of gaming growing up. Yes the controls are janky and the story is only ok to some but I enjoyed it. What really made me love this game is it's world. That futuristic sci fi setting that resembled other works of fiction I enjoyed like ff13 or the mass effect series or star wars. You know, where its not quite cyberpunk but still futuristic. I love those settings and if anybody knows of anymore games with those settings please let me know lol( I know ff8, enslaved and the watch dog series are on my list as well). The music, the setting, the visuals, the lore to ts world and the boss fight being unique and not just mindless button smashing made this overall fun for me. Of course there was some bad as Isaid the controls are janky and for a game where platformming is such a big part of it thats not a good thing. It was like a lesser version of uncharted but one that hit the necessary notes for me personally and admittingly I loved seeing a half black girl as the lead lol. Hidden gem for sure and a game that is in my top 50 personaly.

Crazy how this was the closest we got to another God Hand from Capcom.

8/10 story
5/10 gameplay
8/10 visuals