Reviews from

in the past

Very very cool but by the midgame 90% of the gameplay becomes a loop of generating food and gold in the same exact way you've been doing all the time so you can barely progress. That has to be a design flaw, who has time for that. Equipment system is also too much stupid busywork. A shame. The good parts are very engrossing.

A nice combinatorics game. of the minuses: I would like more content.

Приятная игра на комбинаторику. из минусов: хотелось бы больше контента.

Is fun, the mechanic is interesting but it gets a bit repetitive very quickly

What starts with a "look, a cute resource management game with cards" ends with hours of entertainment in a game that, behind a simple interface and game loop, hides an addictive loop that shines specially in the first few hours of a run.

It's fast-paced, and you can feel the pressure at the beginning to get enough resources to survive another day. And another day, and another, and... And you have spent hours playing without noticing.

The most notable aspect is how it has implemented the process of discovering new recipes. Maybe one of your villagers find an idea while exploring the mountains. Or maybe you have decided to try what happens if you stack a berry and an apple together.

The late game may feel a bit more repetitive, but it's a game definitely worth trying, and ideal for playing in a portable device.