Reviews from

in the past

Wong Kar Wai meets Quentin Tarantino meets Jean-Pierre Melville and whoever else you wish to add make up a cinematic reverence unto the form of Thirty Flights of Loving, yet this influence never entraps the experience with the lustful deceptions of a Quantic Dreams game nor similar works which cannot persuasively define themselves as "cinematic," whatever the hell that really means for videogames. Smash cuts, montage sequences, and abstract storytelling form this unique amalgam; environmental details which developers like those at Fullbright recognize as innovations in narrative forms in the medium are a consistent treat of humor and insight to this familiar organized crime thriller. Chung's rectangular art style also finds an angle of understanding where "realism" would betray the colorful spirit within the work, an absolute masterpiece.

was kinda disappointed because i bought this when it came out but i really wanted more its over so quick and theres barely any gameplay

The tiniest little box of brilliance in video games. Incredible way to spend ten minutes.