Reviews from

in the past

"I'm a stand-up kinda guy!" this quote will haunt my dreams, anyone platinuming this game knows my pain.

Multiplayer is beautiful and one of the best crafted experiences you can have in FPS games even today. Immersive, superb map variety (even more so with the DLC if you get a rare chance to play it), progression based purely on gameplay...2016 was a good time when this game dropped.

Still my favorite Battlefield along with 4. Just an absolutely stellar game.

I think this is fr the only game that could give a world war 1 veteran ACTUAL PTSD because they nailed everything from sound to gunplay to the wack ass vehicles. Seeing someone running alongside you only for them to get shot/bombed/ran over/horse'd actually makes me feel like I'm in a war.

Une vraie claque visuelle, encore magnifique aujourd'hui. On est transporté en plein coeur des batailles de la 1ere guerre mondiale et on le ressent !
C'est épique, difficile, tendu et simplement génial.