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in the past

I had some cautious optimism for Industria given the lower review scores both here and on Steam. While I was certain it would be good at best, some part of its premise and how reminiscent it seemed of games like Half-Life and Resident Evil intrigued me. However, I still found myself quite disappointed by the end product.

One of the bigger issues is the game's overreliance on obscuring the narrative. It presents a ton of questions that at first are intriguing, but quickly lose that intrigue as you discover more and more questions are left unanswered. I even went the extra mile of reading any text logs I could through documents scattered about, which gave little to no insight. I assume some of these questions will be answered in the sequel (or sequels for that matter), but I find that method to be rather cheap. You can leave some questions open for the future, but leaving this many questions makes the individual games feel unfinished.

The combat is also fine at best, serving its purpose but even on Hardcore being barebones. It boils down to shooting anything that moves with whatever weapon has ammo, though the overabundance of ammo means you just use whatever feels right. Enemies also boil down to running straight at you before either swinging or exploding. It's all very one note, and isn't supplemented by much in the way of environmental puzzles.

Speaking on that, exploration is sorely lacking. It has that classic issue where the only things you can find off the beaten path is crates with additional ammo, and those often involve using supplies to take down enemies on the way. Sure, you can find the odd page of lore, but it tends to not flesh out the world a whole lot.

Even the visuals, something I'm admittedly easy to please on, were often lacking. The environments themselves are interesting on paper, but often lack detail or are copy-pasted. I can appreciate reusing assets to save time, but in a game as short as this, it's hard to look past. I can understand it's an indie developer so I shouldn't be expecting big budget scenery design, but even from an art direction standpoint I was unimpressed in a few areas.

That all begs the question of who exactly Industria is designed for. If it's for fans of Half-Life, there's little to no exploration or environmental puzzles. If it's Resident Evil, there's way too many supplies to give you a reason to conserve ammo. If it's general FPS or narrative fans, aspects of both are too underdeveloped and given too little time to breathe.

Good ideas are buried somewhere in Industria, and you can catch glimpses of them occasionally. However, they're just that. Buried and only ever showing their face to remind you they're there. If you want to kill 2-3 hours then there are definitely worse ways to do so, but Industria stands as a stark reminder of better titles, even in the small-scale indie sector.

Interesting but too much janky, why have stealth mechanics if it doesn't work half the time? Also, my pistol bugged and I couldn't change my weapons anymore, nor do any other action.
But the voice acting is really good

The atmosphere, art direction and music are phenomenal. Wasn't expecting to enjoy it with the unpolished gameplay and story, but by the end it makes you want more, and I hope the sequel delivers what Industria could really be!
Also, play it on hard difficulty, it's more enjoyable that way with it being a short game.

The sound design and atmosphere were top notch. Here's hoping that the sequel will have a bigger budget and the devs can fully realize their visions.

Lo he dejado a medias, enemigos repetitivos y no engancha nada. Puedes llevarte algunos sustos

un juego dfe puzles y tiros simplon pero chuli

Bem fraco. A história não tenta fazer sentido, e deixa tudo para o final, [SPOILER] pelo menos o plot twist foi um pouco interessante [FIM SPOILER]

Além disso, ele também não consegue ser comparado a Half-Life 2 tanto na história quanto na gameplay. A história coloca muito suspense e no fim nao é lá grandes coisas, bem esquecível. Pelo menos o jogo termina no tempo certo e não alonga muito.

"Inspired by Half-Life 2" is very generous. Very mediocre shooting with a few weapons in an environment that's literally just knock-off City 17. Apparently this is really short but I got so bored I dropped it.

A game that could be better. It could look better with a better designed steampunk universe.

Apart from that, he definitely needs to improve in kombat. When using an ax in the game, it looks and feels like you're hitting the air. When it comes to firearms, it can be said that they have better feel than an axe. Although they are a little weak, the sniper rifle feels very good.

The enemy animations in the game save the day. The animations of our character are not bad. It cannot be said that there are many of them in the game anyway, they are generally at the level of saving the day.

As for the story, the content of the game is inadequate compared to the story. I hope this will be corrected in the second game.

I have to say that I experienced sudden fps drops in the game, unfortunately it is not optimized very well.

tiene algunos entornos chulos (ojalá hubiera un botón para ocultar la UI) pero el combate es super tosco y el rendimiento atroz

I have a hard time rating this game, on one hand its level and sound design are amazing and makes me wish traversal of more linear games felt like the exploration in industria, but the game can be slow, I love the slow, I played BOTW hours after I beat it just walking around and hunting, but judging from reviews, people do not like this approach, especially when the combat can feel too simple, enemies are very simple with not much variety in how they or you interact, and often pathing is BUGGED, all with simple and stereotypical gun balance (you got a shotgun, sniper, pistol, and submachine only), but I dont really mind, and I dont know why, maybe because it adds to the atmosphere and exploration or because the guns are just satisfying to use, idk, but i understand if people dont like it,
also thanks devs for actually telling a video game story that uses the format of video games well, the entirety is in first person, only restricts movement when it wants to emphasize a location or character animation, and while writing is hit or miss, the VO is great and almost makes up for it, anyway, if you see this and still want to play it, you will like it, for the people who liked the slower moments in half life games

As someone born in the eastern half of Germany 10 years after the wall came crushing down, I'd love to love this game, this GDR sci-fi thriller. And it has a great atmosphere. The sound design can be great. When you're in the same area as enemies, hearing them walking around, especially on hard mode where every death can come quick and reset you up to 20 minutes, it gets tense.
But on the technical side, this is a mess. 30 fps on Xbox Series X, no 60 fps mode, you can constantly see the game world loading in and out, the enemies' ai is stupid af and the joystick only moves you in 4 directions at always the same speed.
This isn't a bad game, far from it, you can definitely see the creativity on display but this lacks so much polish - one can only hope, the team's size and budget get increased for the sequel.

Apesar de curtissimo, é um bom jogo
Tem uma boa atmosfera, um combate básico e tem um bom level design. Ele sabe introduzir bem inimigos, como por exemplo ele primeiro te dar uma situação em que você ta em um campo aberto, e logo depois ir pra um fechado com os mesmos inimigos, te desestabilizando porque o jogo te fez se acostumar com apenas encontros em um certo tipo de situação

É divertido e a história é bem fraquinha, bom jogo

I cant keep playing this game, its really horrible and boring

Неказистая демка шутера-бродилки. Недочёты не только в техническом плане, но и в идейном. Зачем-то сделан упор на освещение, где половина игры - чернота и фонарик еле помогает. Накидывают противников, но боёвка не то, что бы какая-то увлекательная. Простая стрелялка. Сеттинг и стиль хороши. Надеюсь, разработчики многому научились, работая над этим пробным проектом.

Uau uau, sinceramente uma grata surpresa.
Excelente ambietação, porém repetitiva. Dublagem EXCELENTE, a protagonista é legalzinha e a história também.
Principal ponto negativo é que o jogo em sí é um pouco repetitivo, principalmente por termos apeas 5 armas e 5 inimigos.
WOW WOW, it´s a good game, have some problems like be repetitive but i liked
8,5 Horas/hours

For what the game tried to be (inspired by HL2 and Frictional Games), it fell extremely short - even for the smaller dev team. Frustrating and limited gameplay, nonsensical story trying to be more than it is for such a short runtime, abrupt ending, and painful optimization for what the game was outputting graphics-wise.