Reviews from

in the past

A wonderful interactive adventure that remains marinated in the mind like a good book. The authors, through a heap of obvious and not very references, make it clear that they are familiar with the "magic realism", and literally every game segment follows it correctly. KR0 is no longer about a global plot, but about small stories that gradually build up layers into a single stream of sensations. And despite the fact that the authors are unlikely to try to catch up with the mastodons of the genre, small experiments with interactivity clearly give them a big advantage.

Additional experience may, unfortunately, be inaccessible: either from low awareness (it is impossible to guess to open YouTube simultaneously with one of the interludes), or because of past ARG interactions, one way or another conducted as the acts were released.

However, it’s very difficult to advise this piece of work. After all, I myself sometimes had the feeling that I was experiencing Satantago again. And the lack of voice in the game, the developers clearly propose to fill in the players themselves.

(Jan 30, 2021)

a beautiful poem lamenting the death of Project Cybersyn

Ne soyez pas effrayé par son visuel ! Son gameplay , son histoire et ses personnages sont magnifiques ! Un jeu qui m'a marqué...