Reviews from

in the past

El mejor juego para desestresarse echando unas partidas con los colegas entre estudios y trabajos. Risas y enfados con tus compañeros garantizados.

I think I understand why Gordon gets so mad now

Pues en una tarde mi primo y yo nos hemos pasado el juego y sus 2 dlc sin que nos suponga mucha dificultad casi ningún nivel, exceptuando algún que otro en el que hemos reiniciado para hacerlo mejor. Muy divertido cuando realmente se coopera y marchan las cosas bien.
Ha sido la versión remaster del All You Can Eat que es bastante mejor visualmente.

one of those "play it to lose friendships" sorta games

Finally played through this one from start to finish. Pretty tasty :3

This is a pretty genius idea executed MOSTLY well, though I think some levels miss the mark a bit and the game overall feels like it could have been more (luckily this is what the second game aims to improve on).

I am a big fan of the different silly cooks and the level of variety both within the actual levels and foods you're cooking. My main complaint is some levels just feel more arbitrarily annoying rather than a fun challenge, but this is a rare case. There is also sometimes a clutter of Ui on items or stuff is simply out of camera, these camera issues combined with the somewhat frequent imprecision in what you're currently going to grab/set an item on AND the speed required to get 3 stars, can add some of the wrong type of difficulty, the unsatisfying difficulty. But I must clarify, this is rarely a problem, the game is mostly a very fun cooking romp. I don't know how it fares solo, but with 2 players it's a very good time.

I am excited to revisit Overcooked 2 and try out all the DLC's, there's a lot to expand on from the base that Overcooked 1 has created.

Overcooked RANKED

Good little party game, with the second one being greater in both content and difficulty.

This one could be a good introduction

what a fun and chaotic game to play with friends, recommend it a lot

Unfortunately, it can force backtracking at times, but it's still hard not to appreciate it for its interesting concept and the way it was executed.


It's alright, nothing too special. I mostly just enjoyed throwing as much food on the floor as possible.

Chest hurts after screaming "DO NOT TAKE MY F#€&@%! TOMATOOO" at the top of my lungs

It's pretty fun all things considered :D

Absurdamente bom pra jogar coop, mas precisa ser com pelo menos 3 pessoas. Do contrário, vai ser extremamente fácil (até se for pegando as 3 estrelas). Tirando o final broxa pra cacete, é um jogão. Me diverti muito com os crias.

Great game to play with friends, and worth playing even if you have the sequel. A mainstay of the couch co-op chaos genre.

I played this in multiplayer and absolutely loved it, it was an absolute joy to play through

I love Overcooked as a party game! It’s been my “gateway drug” game to get my friends who have no interest in video games to play more of them with me hahaha

Overcooked 1 & 2 are absolute top tier party games, but they do require some actual video game acumen to be any useful at. Your mom will get frustrated playing this