Reviews from

in the past

This is the most anime fighter that you'll ever play.
I've been meaning to pick up this game for a while not and now that I've actually played it, I don't regret it.

Most 3D fighters on the PS1 that aren't Tekken haven't aged well but Rival Schools aged like a fine wine, I thought its mechanics and controls were pretty easy to pick up (Its just your average Capcom fighter LOL) and I like how tag teams were incorporated into this game, after your first character gets KO'd you can choose if you want to use your second character or use the first one again which I think is neat, it might be strange to some people since fighters that have a tag team mechanic never do that but Rival Schools isn't primarily a tag fighter so it fits here.

The roster size is BIG, not as large as MVC2s roster size but there's a lot of characters and the only one you know is Sakura. I did eventually find a few characters I like, Tiffany, Hayato, and the two versions of Akira, she's just that good they needed to put her in TWICE. Some of the teams you can create with these characters are broken but I'm a fan of creating broken teams in fighting games, it just means I can use them to my advantage, did I mention a lot of the characters have healing abilities? If you charge up that super meter enough you can spam those moves all you want as long as you're close to your opponent. (Yep, that's the one thing that stops you from spamming the healing moves all the time.)

This game is based as hell and I think everyone should try it at least once in their life.