Reviews from

in the past

What a delightful little game. Definitely gave me Lil Gator Game vibes with its cute aesthetic, endearing animal characters & emphasis on climbing and exploring. I don’t think I like it quite as much as Lil Gator, but A Short Hike is still a worthwhile, charming experience. A lot of the writing had me laughing, the story is minimal but has a lot of heart & it’s a short but sweet little adventure. I love finding indie gems like this. Absolutely recommend.

If you are on the hunt for a wholesome, chilled and rewarding little adventure, you are right here.

You will embody the little flappy bird Claire on her journey up to Hawk Peak to grab some cellphone reception to receive an important phone call. Along your way you socialize, engage with the islanders and get sugarcoated by a delightful soundtrack.

The game feels just so well paced, as you decide, what activities you want to engage with, which path you choose and where to stop and simply enjoy the view. A Short Hike contains what the title promises on its cover: Animal Crossing-Cozyness with some dope-ass flying system, you improve with every step taken.

This game proves, it does not always have to be a mind-bending, epic meta-story. Sometimes a simplistic yet straight-forward adventure is enough, to put a smile on your face after a rainy day.

Una experiencia realmente "hermosa". Un relato que habla sobre lo importante que es el viaje y no tanto así la meta. Una historia súper tierna e inocente contada desde el punto de vista de una niña. Te transporta inmediatamente a las épocas donde éramos chicos y pasábamos todo el día por ahí jugando.

short game but there's a lot going on for you to do, took me about 3 hours to beat the first time(in one sitting) and I still want to go back and finish the achievements I haven't done yet

music, dialog, characters and aesthetic were all fantastic, I don't really have anything in the game that I disliked to be honest, the length of what I've done so far was perfect

Comfy and good wouldn't ask for more but not my thing probably.

Great relaxing game, the looks might be an obstacle if you care that much but otherwise the only default would be the length.
Feels good to complete, great movement ingame.
Less than 5 hours to 100% on steam

the way the graphics in this game just crinkle around the screen itches my brain sooooooo goood

Demorei demais pra jogar. Fui muito feliz.

juego corto, relajante, perfecto después de una ranked de 40 minutos y resultante en derrota
recomiendo jugar si o si .

esse jogo tem sido meu vício nesses últimos dias. muito bom, gostoso de jogar. é lindinho, amo os gráficos, amo que é curto mas tb tem coisinha pra fazer !!! é divertido, ótimo passa tempo. recomendo mt pra quem busca algo calminho, bonito e super super cozy

Play this game when you're going through a tough time. And go on a real hike, it'll help.

Extremely cozy and fun game, wish it was longer!

dei zeros fodas pro jogo de inicio
mas porra apanhei das liçoes do jogo

A Short Hike is essentially everything I love about the open world genre distilled into a cute, short game. Just wandering around, talking with weird lil characters strewn across the map, finding stuff as you go. You can go straight to the goal, or you can explore all there is to see. There isn't much more than two hours worth of content here if you want to see and do it all, but it doesn't need more to bring across what it sets out to do.

It's cozy game perfection to me because there's a goal, there's a feeling of progression through the feathers, it's just exploring around until you make that 'short hike' and finish up the story. Said story doesn't have much to it, but it has a small beating heart at the center of it, showing how a game doesn't need much of your time to garner investment for a single resonant moment. A moment that I still remember much more than games that might have taken 10 or 50 hours to try and get the same emotional reaction from me.

As I said, a short hike made me realise that the reason I love open world games, even if it's sometimes a guilty pleasure, is because I like just wandering around a world and seeing what there is to see. Where a lot of open world games fail, is in showing some dang constraint over how big they make their world. If there's nothing left to see and all your exploration brings you to more of the same, that kills the wonder of it, sours the experience. If the characters in it have nothing to say besides give you another fetch quest, you get tired of it.

A short hike lasts as long as you want it to, and as long as it really needs to. It's masterfully crafted in the sense that the moment your sense of wonder starts to fade, the game is over and leaves a warm, fuzzy feeling behind. I can't recommend it enough.

This game was cute af. Short but still p fun.

A Short Hike is possibly the best game to introduce someone to playing a video game and moving around in 3D space. Also a great example of how to have friction in a game with no major stakes or competition.