Reviews from

in the past

For a game that's over 20 years old, I'd say it still holds up quite well. Sure some bits are a tad scungy but in my opinion that's part of the charm. The combat is pretty stale and the graphics are a bit stinky but it's got heart and that's all I care about anyway.


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dmc 1 is pretty good. This was way better than i was expecting, especially combat wise. This game is honestly a fun little hack n slash. to get my main problem out of the way now i dont enjoy the camera the water parts. rest are pretty good to really good. The combat has aged well (coming from someone who has only been playing yakuza for the past year). The swords, fists and guns all are fun (despite me not using nightmare beta). I enjoyed the slower pace tbh, it really feels like an action game with light horror elements. I think its cool i can feel the resident evil in this. The story is fine and voice acting is really funny. The bosses are all good if i'll be honest. the best one definitely being nero angelo. But the rest are all fun, even nightmare and the final boss dont feel awful to fight. Another thing i really enjoyed in this game was the replay-ability. This game is short in a good way. I immediately did a hard mode run and it felt completely natural. I tried beating dante must die but griffin broke me, tho I love how that difficulty feels like the game's intended difficulty. It feels like an arcade game in a good way. anyways this was a really fun surprise for me

The convergence point that lead to the character action/spectacle fighter being a thing, Devil May Cry is very much one of those games that you can see a burgeoning genre taking a rough shape, where everyone working on this game essentially threw whatever at the wall (and anything that they could use from RE4 betas) and coalescing it into a video game.

This leads to a very palpable sense of experimentation that isn't really matched by the other DMC games, a feeling of seat-of-your-pants wildness that honestly adds to the punk who gives a shit attitude of the game (and of Dante as well).

This, sadly, falls apart entirely in the second half of the game, where a combination of frustrating encounter design and bad boss encounters (baring Nero Angelo My Beloved) leading to a Hideki Kamiya Normal One, a Gradius bit followed by what amounts to a variant of MAP30 from Doom 2. I do appreciate how hilariously stupid the finale is, though that doesn't help anything related to the second half from being a trainwreak.


The camera angles are a bit annoying, but the game still feels good enough after 23 years, fun game to play and is a solid start to a fantastic game franchise.

(Played it on a PS 2 emulator)
The first instalment of the Devil May Cry series aptly named Devil May Cry is a hack-and-slash game that introduces us to the character Dante and is the first to feature mechanics such as the stylish meter. Even though at that time, the parts that made this series so popular were in their infancy, it still managed to be entertaining. Still, the flaws are apparent – low-quality cutscenes, clunky controls, and some out-of-place mechanics are just some of the issues holding this game back. Due to this, I can’t give it a much higher rating.
There isn’t anything here that hasn’t been done better in a future instalment. As such, the only people who I could recommend it to, are fans of the franchise who want to see its origins. For them, I have to say you aren’t in for an incredibly good time, neither an incredibly bad time.

You play as Dante, the son of the powerful devil Sparda, who has taken up a job as a devil hunter seeking revenge for his family. A woman by the name of Trish informs you that the devil you are searching for is located on a remote island that she can take you to. There you will face foe after foe and even stand face to face with individuals from your past.
The story overall is alright for the most part, it's heavily carried by the protagonist Dante. He is a flashy rock star kind of cool guy, who is constantly saying one-liners to his enemies and doesn’t take even the most dangerous encounters seriously. My biggest disappointment is that there weren’t more cutscenes.
I am also not a fan of the ending. Not that a happy ending is bad, but the way it’s done is too out of place compared to the rest of the game.

𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲
Groundbreaking at release, far from the norm by today, Devil May Cry’s gameplay is trying its best. First, it isn’t over the shoulder, but rather the camera moves on a fixed predetermined path. Sometimes this causes problems, like not allowing you to look in the direction you want.
Combat-wise, you attack with your swords using a diverse set of moves like thrusting attacks, plunging attacks, sending enemies into the air, and so on. There are also harder to perform combos that fill the style meter faster. Throughout your playthrough, you will acquire other melee weapons with their own move sets and special attacks. In addition, in your arsenal, you have a gun. Just as with the swords, you will get more the further you go. They are a genius addition to the game, allowing you to close the gap no matter the distance. It makes those pesky flying enemies a piece of cake. All of these attacks fill up the devil trigger meter, which when used unleashes Dante’s devil form.
My main issue is that it doesn’t feel that fluid, there are button presses that seem unnecessary and just slow down the gameplay. Overall, I found it good enough to be enjoyable for the 8 hours I played. It isn’t a combat system I would try to master.
Enemies and bosses are good, they provide a challenge but aren’t that difficult. Can’t say the same about the final boss, though. I spent more time on him than all others combined.
Another issue I mention is some of the unusual gameplay sections. Was the underwater section or the part where you fly a plane really needed? Thankfully, they don’t last too long, but they still threw off the pace of the game.

As I said, the cutscenes have not been spared, as they were made for a much lower-quality display than today. On the other hand, the game itself looks surprisingly good, still outdated, but by no means ugly. Most of that is due to the fixed camera, not letting you see, what you are not supposed to see, even then the effort put into the scenery is clear.

The influence of Resident Evil is clear, the environment, the soundtrack, it all has this dark sinister undertone, not typical of this genre. If it wasn’t for Dante’s incredible power, this would be a survival horror instead.

Choir, orchestral, and some rock dominates the OST of Devil May Cry. It’s a well-fitting soundtrack that helps build up the atmosphere. It isn't one I would listen to outside the game.
My favourite part is “Lock & Load”.
Also, what the hell are these track names – “Pubic Enemy”, “Final Penetration”, “Evil Vacuum”, “Blue Orgasm”?

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIGHT”

This game was extremely fun, I loved the ridiculous story, I loved all the characters and cool enemies and bosses, all the fun weapons to try out and the fun level designs, overall a great and enjoyable game.

Vamos lá...

Quando eu fui jogar DMC, eu já tinha jogado alguns RE clássicos, ou seja.

Eu não tenho problema com os controles desse jogo nem nada do tipo

Ele é bastante divertido também e é bem diferente assim da franquia que seria lançada depois


le 1 est cool mais bon c'est pas mon pref du tout je le place après 2 je pense (j'ai pas joué au remake)