Reviews from

in the past

лол чё людям серьёзно эта игра кажется сложной

Gaming's equivalent to the Messiah for the Devil May Cry series.
Name any action game that came out after this i can guarantee that it has some part of DMC3's blood in it.

Also introduced vergil of the special series.
Enough said.

You fly around doing cool shit and dante says cool shit and you kill cool shit

Mission 5 - where tf do I go man

While future games would polish on the mechanics and your move set, this game is undoubtedly the pinnacle for the franchise's identity. Anyone who likes action games needs to play this at least once.

Dante is a cool character, but for the life of me I could never get into Devil May Cry. The enemies always felt to beefy, the soundtrack is so cringe le 2000s nu metal, and it just dosen't feel smooth.

I can't believe one of these actually clicked for me and it wasn't dmc 5 yet..this is just a really cool game. anything with dante and vergil is just raw, lady is a really compelling and kickass character and everything about the final chapters of the game were peak fiction

quero ser igual o dante quando crescer