Reviews from

in the past

There's an easy way to tell if you should play this game or not: Do you like Digimon or want to get into Digimon? If the answer is yes to either question then you might enjoy this title. Otherwise, you'll probably be better off with a different JRPG.
This edition comes with 2 games: The original Cyber Sleuth with retroactive improvements from its standalone expansion Hacker's Memory and the latter title. Each campaign is quite long around 40 hours but this is including some serious padding.
This was by far my biggest issue with this game, the story probably has the worst pacing I've ever seen. Every major story moment is undercut by a series of obligatory sidequests and/or lengthy, unskipable dialogue sequences. Not to mention grinding, so much grinding.
Getting 3 PlatinumNumemon asap is practically obligatory if you want to make any significant progress.
I would have been happy with a significantly shorter game length. Who cares about the ghost hunting club or the coffee shop when the world is ending? Anime was a mistake.
Regardless, the combat is alright, in fact I wish there was more of it. It's like budget SMT and there is some depth to team building.
Environments are lacking in terms of variety, especially in Cyber Sleuth. This game is technically a successor to the Story series of Digimon games so I expected more exotic locations.
Finally, the music is serviceable and I was happy with the creature lineup. Even the story can be decent when it's not interrupted by sidequests and the characters shut up about asinine crap.
In summary, get this if you like Digimon. I sure do.