Reviews from

in the past

Pour l'époque ça devait être sympa mais aujourd'hui c'est juste un FPS full osef

Fun WW2 shooter with great multiplayer still active to this day. The game steers towards the occult rather than the Frankensteinesque sci-fi that Wolfenstein 3D has going on.
Despite what the title suggests, it's actually a reboot.

Considering the year it was released, it's a really good game. Even though it was a bit annoying to play today, it was fun :)

Fan yapımı moduyla da orjinal sürümüyle de çalışmadı, utanmasam gidip PS2 portunu emüle edecektim.

4 stars

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is excellent. At first, I hated this game when I played it back in 2021, and that's understandable due to issues I'll discuss in the following paragraphs. However, after having given it another chance, this game is one of the best in the series.

First, here are a few things that you need to do to properly enjoy the game:
1. For the love of all that is holy, crouch as much as possible when you're shooting. The bullet spread on weapons is absolutely insane when you're standing up, and crouching will make your life a lot easier and the game a whole lot more enjoyable.
2. Download the IORTCW mod at a bare minimum. This gives your game proper widescreen support and allows you to do things like adjust the FOV. The default FOV is almost unplayably small, I like to set it to about 110 to avoid getting shot by off-screen enemies.
3. READ YOUR JOURNAL. There is valuable information in there that will make some missions (specifically the forced stealth mission) much easier because it gives you information on objectives and optimal paths to take.
4. Re-bind your keys. This is a game from 2001. It will have a control scheme from that era with asinine features. Rebinding the sniper scope to right click and the zoom to the mouse wheel up/down will make your life so much easier. It will also help you learn certain mechanics that will be useful in the game, like binoculars.
5. Save often, and use the manual save in addition to quicksaving so you don't softlock yourself.
6. If you need to restart a level, use the cheat menu (~ key) to enable cheats and warp to certain levels. No need to download people's save files off the internet.

This game is quite excellent. It feels like Quake and Medal of Honor had a baby. You have the objective and more deliberate WWII action of Medal of Honor, with the fast-paced action and secret hunting of Quake. The guns all serve a purpose and have their own use. Aside from guns like the Snooper rifle, which has a night vision scope that actually makes it harder to see (though that might be a product of playing this on an LCD monitor, which are known to have more washed-out colors compared to other displays), and the Luger, which I've only used when running out of ammo in the beginning, the guns all serve their own purpose. The only issue I have? No shotgun.

There are two levels that were problematic, such as the catacombs and the forced stealth section going into the base, but overall the majority of this game was fast, tight, frenetic, and fun. It's also not too long, so it doesn't overstay its welcome. The story is very barebones, as it follows BJ thwarting a Nazi plot to create supersoldiers using occult rituals and futuristic technology. One thing I like about the story is how sinister the British and American intelligence officers who are discussing BJ's plot seem. That never really goes anywhere, it just fits a very "cloak and dagger" tone that the game was going for.

The moral of the story is, play this game. I would've given it a 5/5, but the catacombs level, the section with the female Nazi ninja assassins, the forced stealth section, and the lack of a shotgun make me lower this to a 4/5.